Don't call me brave

  • Today was a good day

    Thank you for all the lovely comments I’ve had so far as I start the journey that none of us want to be on. (anyone else really dislike the J word?!). Each one has meant a great deal to me and reassured me that I am doing just fine; a...
  • Happy New Year?

    Well, there is no hiding from it now. I will start my cancer treatment this month.  My diagnosis before Christmas meant that I could put off thinking about it until “next year”.  Well guess what’s here - next bloody year! ...
  • What’s wrong with me?

    Apart from the blooming obvious, what’s wrong with me. I’ve been reading a variety of blogs and forums since being diagnosed.  They’ve all been really helpful and given me information that I didn’t want to find from Googl...
  • What do you mean “you might feel like you’ve wet yourself”?

    So today, I had my first ever CT scan. Having been told it would all be over in a matter of minutes; I was somewhat surprised to learn that before any scanning took place, I had to drink about a litre of water….slowly…..over an hour&hel...
  • That did not go according to plan

    37 days ago I found a small lump in my right boob.   21 days ago I went to the breast clinic at my local hospital for all the scanning, poking, prodding and slicing that was on offer. 12 days ago I was told that I had papillary cancer in my...