About last week

1 minute read time.

I’m now one week post first chemo (that’s a mouthful!) and feeling ok.  I’ve been tired like never before.  I honestly didn’t think it was possible to feel exhausted after walking to the kettle and back…but it is!  I’ve felt nauseous and achy and I’m pretty sure the bags under my eyes are bigger and darker.  I’ve had no appetite until about 8pm tonight when I demolished two slices of toast, two bags of monster munch (pickled onion, obvs!) and half a bag of mini eggs.  No, it wasn’t the healthiest of snacks (it may even have been too much to officially be a snack) but I was hungry for the first time in a week so I’ll have an apple tomorrow.

I have also been so touched by how many friends, old and new, have reached out.  Even it is was just to say hi.  This really is a community; a club that you don’t want to be in, but when you are, it makes all the difference in the world.  I reached out to someone on instagram about headscarves, hats, turbans as I wanted to know where to even start.  Two days later, a parcel with a selection of scarves, pre-tied and turbans arrived along with a beautiful card and a load of positive vibes!  I was speechless and so grateful and felt lucky knowing that people everywhere are sharing your journey (still dislike that word) and have your back along the way.

I am looking forward to getting back to work next week - although I will miss the afternoon naps and going back to “normal” before round two on the 11 February.
