chansey's thoughts

  • christmas day....and beyond...


    I did enjoy the day, very quiet.. watching TV, I'm usually running around like a headless chicken all day.....

    My mum cooked...she made far too much...but it was finished off yesterday....!!

    I had a glass of wine...but then my dad asked if it was 'upsetting my tummy'...''dad. I'm 47''.

    I had a bit of a cry in the afternoon...but they saw me and sat round me and all that....didn't really…

  • New wheelchair


    As you can see in my photo...I like running...did the race for life just 6 months ago....
    I got a call this morning from disability to say they are delivering my wheelchair on Friday...there's no way I'm letting my sons shove me through asda christmas will be a massacre..!!

    I went to Preston yesterday..have been booked in for the steroetactic radiation on 10th January..I have to have 2 scans...a mould…

  • What a bloody week it's been........


    I been having some twitching in my legs over the last couple of months.... I honestly thought it was the tumor in my lung pressing on a nerve or something.....but my oncologist arranged for a MRI scan which I had on Monday......course it wasn't the lung tumor.... there's a 2cm lesion on the left side of my brain...which is affecting the right side of my body..!!

    And whilst they were having a look around....they…

  • I hate mucus.....!!!


    When my kids were small, smelly nappies and baby sick never bothered me....

    There was only one thing that made me cringe.....runny know the ones I mean so I won't go into detail....!!

    I had a call from hospital today...I have an appointment to go in next week when they are going to remove a sample of fluid from my lung...I didn't dare ask which route they would be taking to do this..

    I only hope…

  • '' On the road again ''


    I haven't written in here for a while...been in remission for a year, and quite an eventful one it was....

    I went into remission in sept 2010... a month later my husband ( who did not cope well at all with my breast cancer ) left home...then my dog died a week after that.....then my son broke his collar bone....

    I ran in the Race for Life in June this year...a month later began coughing and wheezing...over the course…