'' On the road again ''

1 minute read time.

I haven't written in here for a while...been in remission for a year, and quite an eventful one it was....

I went into remission in sept 2010... a month later my husband ( who did not cope well at all with my breast cancer ) left home...then my dog died a week after that.....then my son broke his collar bone....

I ran in the Race for Life in June this year...a month later began coughing and wheezing...over the course of the summer I was treated for asthma, infection, bronchitis and infection again, I had an appointment at the breast care clinic in September and was referred for a CT scan.............

Which came back as secondary breast cancer in my lungs.........I saw my oncologist a couple of days ago...had a mommogram, heart echo scan and I'm having an MRI and bone scan.....

In two weeks I'll be back on chemo......two oral and one intravenous....they're putting in a port because my veins are not so good from the last chemo and herceptin two years ago......

I have also been asked to take part in trials of new cancer drugs......''yes''  I said, to be honest, I'll take anything....especially if it will help future cancer patients...............

Prognosis.......one to three years.................I'm just trying to figure out how the hell to tell my kids....



