I hate mucus.....!!!

Less than one minute read time.

When my kids were small, smelly nappies and baby sick never bothered me....

There was only one thing that made me cringe.....runny noses.....you know the ones I mean so I won't go into detail....!!

I had a call from hospital today...I have an appointment to go in next week when they are going to remove a sample of fluid from my lung...I didn't dare ask which route they would be taking to do this..

I only hope that this will help to relieve my problem with the stuff and they can drain a bit off..!!

It all sounds, and probably will be, a bit grisly but they will now be able to test the sample and make sure I get the correct chemo for the job...!!

Onwards and Upwards...... 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chansey

    Not keen on the mucus stuff myself but positively hate baby sick!  Reason being that many years ago when playing with my niece who is now 28 I stupidly held her up in the air over my head and the little darling puked getting a direct hit into my mouth!  Eeeeuuuuuuwwwww!  It put me off cottage cheese for life!

    Hope all goes well!

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hiya Chansey...just thought you would like to know that getting the sample is not too bad,you get something to calm you down and numb the area.   Good luck XXX

  • FormerMember

    hiya nin......ha ha....rule number one, never hold baby over your head within one hour of feeding..!!!

    hiya shivsmum...thanks for the advice..

    jackie xx