Can't cope

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My mum was diagnosed literally 4 weeks ago with kidney cancer that has spread to the pancreas and lungs and there is nothing they can do. She's doing amazing she's so brave but I'm falling apart I can't cope I just I can't do this I can't watch her die she has lost so much weight she's so frail and weak every second of every day is hard.i don't feel like anyone gets it at all nobody can get what I'm going through because they haven't been through it. I had to watch my dad die of cancer when I was a child and now I'm in the exact same position watching my mum die now and I'm only 34 years old. I can't lose my mum but I got no choice I just feel like il never be able to carry on with out her but watching her die knowing there is nothing I can do I dread every day and every night I'm not sleeping it's just a constant pain in my chest like I can't breath.

  • Thank you same goes for u I will be here to x 

  • Ah really, is your mum having any form of treatment?

    Oh wow, that's so sad. I've never really known anyone with cancer but then suddenly you find out a relative has it and it becomes all consuming and you wonder how you went so long without knowing how terrible this disease is.

    I can only imagine how awful that was for you both, to expect one thing and be told another. Similarly, I remember when we found out about the bone cancer and the next meeting with the consultant we were thinking was going to be about treatment options but instead they said lung cancer, bone mets and potential brain mets and I felt like the floor had disappeared. We just couldn't quite comprehend what was happening. My mum asked how long she had and they said it wasn't absolute but anything they say can't be taken back and they would estimate less than 6 months; that was early July so it feels like someone has flipped the sand timer and I'm just waiting for it to run out.

    Hope today is a good day for you and your mum x

  • I'm the same, been trying to find people in our situation just to talk and get some reassurance or something. I'm with her constantly so I see her in all states good and bad and no one else does or can understand the difficulties of trying to make sure she is pain free and comfortable and eating and drinking etc etc alongside all of the emotions that come with it. No one prepares you for this and it feels like I'm/we're blindfolded with no guidance.

    I think if she's sleeping she's not in as much pain and that makes me feel better, as long as she is comfortable that's all I can ask. It's seeing her in pain that kills me, just want to be able to take it away.

    Really hope you're both having a good day x

  • Good morning, that's all we want and all we can ask for is that they are not in pain I'm the same any change in pain I don't wait I want medication now I'm not waiting around. I will do anything I can to make my mum comfortable as well. Have you thought about Macmillan or similar charities to help maybe just come to sit with your mum while u just go for a walk maybe because you still need time for you where your not consumed init time to breath or if you don't want to leave maybe they can come sit with u so your not alone. I looked into the Maggie's and I do have a center by me so thank you I will look into it xx

  • Morning reeb

    We are waiting on a consultant appointment coming through which I hope is going be next.   The longer we are waiting the more time is getting wasted.  We need to speak with someone feel in limbo just now.    Is your mum getting any treatment at all?     I am going contact Maggies centre too just to see if I can talk with someone.     I really don’t want my mum to ask the dreaded question how long I don’t want to hear it as I know in my head that will be all I will focus on.   I am going have a chat with her about it before we go to the appt.     Are you in touch with maggies centre?  You say you are with your mum all the time is there no one thst can help out? 

  • Hi just wondering how you doing today x 

    • Hey how are you doing today 
  • Hi I’m doing ok.  How are you and your mum?   I went out for a wee while today and haven’t felt as tearful today.    I tried a few times to speak to someone at maggies but haven’t managed to get through to anyone yet.  Have you spoke with anyone yet?  

  • Hello I'm glad your having a better day today each day at a time I to am having a ok day today better than yesterday and that's all I can ask for. I send an email to Maggie's someone got back to me to come down and chat but I sent back asking when shall I do that but haven't heard back yet. Keep trying or send an email. I start counselling tomorrow my first one it can't hurt so going to try it. I'm having counselling with a charity I'm sure you can get that to if that's something you would want to try. Xx

  • That’s good today been a bit better.  As you say that’s all you can ask for one step at a time.     I’m glad you have a maggies centre near you.    We have one bout half hour away but  I will try to speak to them again.    That’s good you have counselling sorted.   I hear that can really help so fingers crossed it works for you too.   Let me know how it goes.    Im just waiting on this letter coming in we really need to see consultant I really hope it’s next week as I think mum is hiding the fact she is in more pain than she’s letting in.   When I ask her she just changes the subject!   If we don’t get it in next couple of days I’m going phone whether she likes it or not!      Sending a hug.