Can't cope

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My mum was diagnosed literally 4 weeks ago with kidney cancer that has spread to the pancreas and lungs and there is nothing they can do. She's doing amazing she's so brave but I'm falling apart I can't cope I just I can't do this I can't watch her die she has lost so much weight she's so frail and weak every second of every day is hard.i don't feel like anyone gets it at all nobody can get what I'm going through because they haven't been through it. I had to watch my dad die of cancer when I was a child and now I'm in the exact same position watching my mum die now and I'm only 34 years old. I can't lose my mum but I got no choice I just feel like il never be able to carry on with out her but watching her die knowing there is nothing I can do I dread every day and every night I'm not sleeping it's just a constant pain in my chest like I can't breath.

  • It’s like anything you get some good doctors and some that are quite brutal!  Aw bless her!  But as you say it’s done now so it was good she managed to get it done.   They say usually 7-10 days for results but we have found it’s more like 2 weeks.  The fact that she has the biopsy done will give them more info on it and they will maybe be able to give your mum something too. We are lucky to have strong women as our mothers but at the same I wish we could lift it off them too.  Heart️

  • Morning darling34

    How are things with you and your mum?    

  • Morning Reeb

    How are you and your mum? 

  • Hi there sorry for late reply I'm in work and college on Tuesdays so only just seen your message I'm fine thank you just waiting game for the results mam is much better now from the biopsy few days of bad pain but seems to be on the mend from that thank you. How are u both doing has your mum started treatment how she coping with it sending u both lots of love x 

  • Hi I’m glad to hear everything ok and  your mum doing ok with her pain.   Hopefully it won’t be much longer with the results.  Well things not too great here the pain in mums pelvis from the mets  has got some much worse we have had to get morphine prescribed because my mum csnt put her leg to the ground so basically can’t walk.  

    We had her at a&e on Sunday nite they done an X-ray but nothing showed so got home.   But yesterday & tidsy it’s worse and I’m sick of phoning the nurses they just kept saying up her pain relief but she can’t walk even to go to the toilet so we took her down and she been admitted tonight.     You can see the pain in her face I’m just so bloody gutted about all of this I really am     We will see what the medical folk say in the morning.   

  • Ah no that's awful you don't seem to be getting very good support up there at all there is only so much you can up the pain medication isn't there before u really look into why bless her I really hope they get this pain under control for her because it's gone on now u would think that she would start getting better not worse. She's in the right place though for now get her out of pain and back on her feet  it's so difficult when there is nothing u can do to help it's emotionally exhausting as well hopefully this is just a little set back 

  • Well that’s it you can’t just say keep popping pills you need to look into it as you say.    At least I know she is comfortable tonite.   It certainly is emotionally exhausting it never leaves you.  Fingers crossed it get sorted out.   She needs to be able to walk.     That’s great  your mum is doing ok her pain relief has been good.   There is nothing worse when you’re in pain. 

  • Hey how are u doing today? How is your mum hope the pain is under control today have they done some tests worked out what it is or a plan to move forward. I had a phone call today my mum's results are back and we have an appointment next Tuesday they come back very quick I don't know if that is a more worrying sign or not really. 

  • Hey I’m ok.   Didn’t sleep much for worry but went to the shop and had made my mum up a wee goody bag and a picnic as she won’t eat hospital food.  I don’t blame her!  She is still getting kept in not done any tests though.     I was hoping they were going do a ct as more detailed than an xray but no.  They have upped pain relief and having physios work with her on her leg to get her more mobile so we will see what happens with that.    I would rather they were investigating but we are hoping the oncologist is going come and see her tomorrow as he is’int based in our local hospital.    How are you today?    How’s ur mum doing?   Is she managing out?     No don’t worry too much about that as remember I said it’s usually 7-10 days so that’s been a week already.    Are you going see a different doctor this time as you said the last one was quite abrupt and not very positive?    

  • Yeah I think I would want investigation as well but at least the pain is under control now and hopefully some physio will help I wouldn't eat hospital food either she needs to keep her strength up so taking her some food and nibbles in is the best thing to do then hopefully they will put a plan in place and she can come home soon. My mother's ok bit nervous today when we had the appointment same as me but I'm really hoping for more answers I'm not sure who we are seeing I think it's the oncologist and he was a much more informative person so I'm hoping it's him and not the other ones that were zero help.