Balancing caring and work

  • 34 replies
  • 45 subscribers

This is all new for me. My husband was diagnosed with Lymphoma about a month ago. Since then I’ve been signed  off work, which has been great. It’s meant I can take him to all the appointments and he doesn’t have to be on his own, which I know he would struggle with.  I’m a teacher and my sick note doesn’t run until the end of the school year. But I have a fair few things I need to do at school before August, I broached this with my husband and family and they have all made me feel incredibly guilty for wanting to go in and get things done. Just wondering how other people get a balance. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Josie, it's really very difficult balancing caring with our own needs and you sound just like me - I feel very guilty whenever I spend time away from mum. It's really important that you keep your own life on track though, you have to survive this too and to do that you need that bit of happiness and hope to keep you going. 

    Money worries are always an issue for me too, keeping my car on the road is a huge pressure as without it my mum would be a prisoner indoors. Check out It's a great website that can help with benefits and also offers charitable grants, I've had two grants from them.

    Have you got any carers coming in to check on mum? If not get in touch with her GP, I'm sure you'd be eligible for care support in the home. I also installed a camera in my mum's house that gives me live feed to my phone, that way I can check on her whenever I need to. I think it cost me c. £100. 

    Big hugs and I hope you get the all clear from your biopsy so you don't have another worry to deal with x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Josie 

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mum and I have everything crossed that your biopsy results are nothing to worry about. That must be absolutely the last thing you need. 

    There is so much support out there; the Macmillan nurse my husband sees always tells us that there is financial help out there if we need it. Reach out and ask, there will be things people can do to help you. 

    You have to keep your sanity and there are organisations out there to make sure that happens. 

    Take care xx

  • Josie19 . Souds difficult. I wonder if you mother was proud of you becoming a nurse and what she might want for you future.  Are you able to talk to her and if so,  would she want you to continue nursing others as well as her.  So difficult  juggling demands of work and home.

    Knowing this struggle first hand that might mean you are even more compassionate as a nurse in the future. We need nurses who understand and I hope you manage to navigate this difficult time.  You are a future for all of us who may need nurses.

    However, doing what is right for you now is important as we sometimes don't get second chances to make choices. Being there and not being there for someone is difficult. Sometimes we have to spread the load with others. I can't be everywhere but I can do my best or enough for my partner  his children  my work and others around. Oh, and for myself too. Wishing you strength to manage difficulties and the dilemmas. 

  • Josie so sorry to hear about your situation. I hope the biopsy turns out to be nothing more than stress related. Speak to Macmillan about the financial situation you are in. Isn't there any other siblings who can care for a bit to give you help? If not there is help available.

    God Bless and chin up


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Billythedog

    Hello. Thank you for your reply. Biopsy turned out well and nothing too worry about. Sadly mum didn’t fare as well and died peacefully and pain free on Tuesday. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh Josie, I'm so sad to hear that. Sending you love and hugs and wishing you all the best for your future nursing career xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So sorry to hear the news about your mum. Try and look after yourself at this difficult time. 

    It must be a relief your biopsy was nothing to worry about. 


  • Josie, I'm so sorry for you and your loss. My thoughts are with you and everyone concerned. God Bless You. May your Mom be at Peace and Pain Free now.


  • Josie19 wishing you all the best for you future and I hope that you feel ok with what you did woth and for your mum. I hope you have support around you to help. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So sorry to hear about your Mum though pleased she was peaceful and painfree. Look after you and make her proud (I'm sure she already was) xx