Balancing caring and work

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This is all new for me. My husband was diagnosed with Lymphoma about a month ago. Since then I’ve been signed  off work, which has been great. It’s meant I can take him to all the appointments and he doesn’t have to be on his own, which I know he would struggle with.  I’m a teacher and my sick note doesn’t run until the end of the school year. But I have a fair few things I need to do at school before August, I broached this with my husband and family and they have all made me feel incredibly guilty for wanting to go in and get things done. Just wondering how other people get a balance. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Thank you everyone for you’re advice and support, and for sharing your experiences with me. 

    So my plan for going to school to discuss doing a few hours here and there didn’t go to plan. I got to school, was there 15 mins and my husband rings to say that he’s hurt is jaw/neck/throat and needs medical attention. But he first needs to go and collect my mum from minor injuries as she’s chipped a bone in her ankle! So had to run out of work to see to both of them. It wasn’t the picture of ‘work is still important to me’ that I wanted to paint. I’m going to try again tomorrow now mum is strapped up and home and husband has antibiotics. 

    You are all right I do need to have some time in the real world   it will be good for me. Just have to see if fate lets me!! 

    Well done 1957jools, for getting back out there today. You should be very proud it can be a scary thing especially with everyone asking a million questions. 

  • Oh my. Keep going. I've never done white water rafting or any thing adventurous but I am guessing ir sounds  like needing the same steel and determination. Fingers crossed for you. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well done you! At least the ice is broken. Also I found that telling maybe one or two people and saying to them to let others know your situation (if that's what you want) is often the easiest way, you then don't have to keep repeating yourself time after time after time....

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to NellieJ

    I feel like steel and determination are what I need to walk back I to school and face the head after running out on them yesterday Cry . It feels like everything is such a mess!!! 

  • So proud of you, and I don't mean that condescendingly. What else could the school expect you to do given that at phone call.? You did exactly what you should have done and what they would or should do if they were in your situation. Keep it up Twirl xx

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hope today has gone a lot better for you and yours - I'm glad I did force myself yesterday but fully understand anyone who really can't face it - we have so many corners to fight, sometimes one of them has to go. Was thinking of you x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you lovelies 

    Hubby was seen at the hospital this morning and is on steroids and has had an X-Ray on his jaw to see what’s going on. Mum is ok her swelling has gone down so she’s hopping about which is good.

    I made it to school and have sorted going in for a few hours on different days before the end of the year and maybe a bit more depending on how hubby’s first chemo goes on Friday. 

    Work have been good but did keep saying how understanding they have been!! I’ve been signed off sick. It’s not been up to them to let me be off, I don’t know if I’m just being super sensitive. And hubby’s grumpy because I dropped him home after the hospital and went straight to work. 

    Im sure everyone goes through these difficult periods where nothing seems to be the right thing. 

    You are all doing amazingly well if you’ve been doing this for more then the month and a half that I have. It feels never ending xxx

  • Yes the repetition gets tedious. I have found the colleague who is most nosey is the good one to give info to and ask them to keep others in the picture. Keeps them busy and everyone away. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Magpie. I’ve been looking after mum who has small cell lung cancer. I am currently not being paid by work so am worried sick about money. I qualified as a nurse in September  (ironic) and have not been in post long enough to get sick pay for more than a month. Mum is bedbound now and I’m terrified of going back to work as it will mean she is alone for most of the day. However looking after her all day is becoming too much for both of us made worse as I’ve just had to have a biopsy for a breast lump. I promised mum that I would look after her but I can’t.