Marriage falling apart - Husband won't talk about feelings!

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Hi, took yesterday and today off work (not like me) as feeling so low/can't stop crying) and rang Macmillan yesterday for advice and suggested counselling and to talk ... so here goes.  Husband diagnosed with bowel cancer last May which obviously was huge shock for us both.  Had major surgery in June which was really successful and made excellent recovery.  Then in August were told by Registrar in Oncology that only had 2% chance of cancer returning so, in her mind, suggested chemo not needed. 5 minutes later, her boss walked in and said we shouldn't think 2% as a low chance as imagine you are in Grand National and that outsider you didn't bet on comes in. To cut long story short, husband wanted to take chance to not have it, but I agreed with Consultant so he went ahead.

In September, after completing the very first cycle of chemo, he became desperately ill and had to be rushed to hospital with 39.5 temperature and ended up being in a "cell" of a room for 5 weeks undergoing all kinds of horrific treatment due to a severe and, were told, very rare side effects of chemo which made him lose every bit of his skin from head to toe and all his nails, couldn't keep anything down and was delirious for over a week.  To top it all, after not having to have a stoma after initial surgery (his WORST fear) I was told (away from him) that his stomach had distended so much that his bowel and appendix were nearly at bursting point and they might have to remove the lot!!! He was oblivious to this (I was not).  Thankfully he turned a corner with that part, however, was losing weight at an alarming rate and his morale was at an all time low due to being kept in a "cell like room" 24/7 after contracting MRSA!! We made decision to discharge and came home 2stone 4lbs lighter in the 5 weeks he had been there.  Gradually got him home and with lots of tender loving care got him back to normal weight.

As his wife, I was obviously at hospital day and night, often until midnight as love him (still do), however, since Novembe)r I have noticed that he is criticising absolutely everything I do - my dinners are awful, my driving is appalling, my job is useless, I need to contribute more money (I am due for a pay rise and he has returned to work full time in January) and that I am lazy!! None of what he says is true and my family and friends have told me so and have noticed his "nit picking", however, I am feeling so anxious and panicky all the time now and go into a depression thinking about what to cook as worrying what he will come up with.  This week after huge row on Friday, he has been buying his own food - I am not eating as feel too upset.

Since he has come out of hospital, I have been trying to get him to talk to someone as it was such a traumatic experience and he is not the type of person who will talk to anyone (his father told him men never talk about their feelings as is a weakness).  He doesn't have close friends and his siblings are of same ilk as he is and when I have tried to ask them to talk to him, they have told me that it is our marriage and need to get on with it.  I have even suggested these forums to discuss but he has refused, as well as me saying I would go with him for counselling.  Nothing/ has even said he would get divorced than go for counselling!! 

In the last few weeks his actions have become more physical i.e. I have had my car keys pulled out of my car whilst I was driving and pulling up my handbrake because he demanded I take him straight home (we were running late to collect my daughter) and refused to come instead of making me even later by taking him home.  I have had washing thrown in my face and been shoved out of our bed after arguing because I can't take much more!!

I know he loves me and I love him, but WHAT do you do with someone who point blankly refuses to talk ?  I totally understand he is worried as has first check up on 11 July (colonoscopy) and he has told me that if cancer returns he won't be strong enough to deal with it.  I have given as many cuddles/reassurances that I will be there/face things together, but his behaviour is becoming unacceptable/I am feeling resentful towards him because of the constant digs and feel our marriage might be ending, although neither of us wants to deep down. 

Sorry for my long essay,  has anyone else dealt with these feelings and how to get your partner to open up.  I have in my head that I should leave things until after the appointment on 11th July as talking to him is not helping and since Sunday it has been the silent treatment.

Any advice would be appreciated.

  • Can you spend a few days apart .Its obvious you both need some space to work things out and its not necessarily the end for your relationship sometimes people just need to work out what they want. The trouble is that when you become a carer its difficult to be a wife and with the best will in the world at times of stress people always lash out  at the person closest to them. Having said that no one is put in earth to be an emotional punchbag. I feel the toxic atmosphere you describe is not good for your well being and yoi need a break from it .Hope you find the strength and courage to make the best decision for your future happiness all the best .xx

    Granny Sue

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Granny Sue

    Thank you so much  - but we have done that for odd weekend, but probably not long enough apart to make a difference/not practical for work etc! I sadly feel it's end of road for us!  I Soo wanted it to work and I do feel he will regret it long term as we used to be so good together pre-cancer! Got married last January after 5 years together (both in our mid-50's with 3 kids each/new marriages) and since May = cancer! He honestly couldn't have been loved or cared for any more than I did! I am trying SOO damn hard not to cry in front of him as I think it another control part of him / I just don't know anymore/I feel so trod down and I just want US back!!! I know it not my fault after counseling but just so blooming hard to take this person I don't know anymore who is Sooo horrible/critical of me all the time!!!! Am trying to cut off as said until 11th July!!! Deep deep breaths and stop the crying!!! Be strong GULP!!!!

  • We wont get back to where we were but we just have to make the best of a bad situation .Has he said why he wants to end your marriage ? Most times all this can be about fear anxiety and loss of male pride .However you can do nothing about that if you have given all you can then its just a question of endurance until the issues resolve themselves . Nothing lasts forever and if you dont think about next week next month but just get through each hour each day and just go out for a walk or a drive or coffee with a friend .Just live your life if he dosent want to join in then thats his problem not yours .You must just keep going its hard and not always possible to be positive but just do what you can and you will get through it lots of hugs xx

    Granny Sue

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Granny Sue

    You are Soo  right!!  Yes said wants to end marriage - I am a bully for asking him not to snore/a tramp( house is pristine)  but so be it/I can't do anymore!  As I said, I get the anxiety and have been there 24/7 for him and will be there again for him on 11th July. I will just have to accept everything he dishes out to me until 11/7 and go from there.  Thank you - nothing does last forever and I have to keep thinking of each day at a time but it just Sooo hard taking the verbal abuse/cooking separate dinners etc. Our lives have changed so much since bowel cancer diagnosis/operation/bad chemo reaction last year!  I love him so much and given him everything, but just feel so emotionally battered and my mental well being all time low/plus going through menopause yuck (though that has been thrown at me also). Keeping strong until 11th July for results!  Thanks for being there to vent to!!!!  Cyber hugs xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I'm so sorry that your situation has escalated like this.  Just keep talking to us.  We're hear to listen and support you.

    I totally understand you.  Quotes: "Nothing is right, you do nothing for me, you do nothing to help, I cant eat this, this isn't tidy" … the list goes on.  He's not the person I used to know.  I understand his fear, frustration and anger because of what he has been through and what the future may hold.  I've been there since day 1 and I've tried to support him in any way I can.  But he just isn't the same person.

    There have been times when I've seriously considered walking away. I don't want to, but on dark days its a thought I consider to protect myself. Its true though, they lash out at the people who are closest and they try to control the things they still can.

    I sincerely hope that your OH's appointment on 11/7 goes well and things calm down.  Its always a waiting game! 

    After thinking about it and the conversations (I think it was Granny Sue) it made me realise that I actually break my day into 3 parts - morning, afternoon and evening.  As its unpredictable, I enjoy each section of the day that is good.  The bad parts I try and go out, do something for me, or just something like cleaning the windows!!  Does this make sense??  I suppose they're all distractions to put my mind somewhere else.

    Keep talking and my thoughts are with you.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I am sending you big hugs - I feel where you are coming from!

    Reading your post was like reading what my life has become. Like you, so much energy has been put into getting everything my husband needed. Making sure everything was in place, juggling work, family to try and make sure he has everything. Its exhausting.

    I am now the carer, the one who does everything, and the one who receives the backlash / verbal abuse because he is angry about having this awful disease. I feel cheated and robbed of the life we thought we would have and what could have been just as he does but the other day I was told that he is the only one affected by this. No impact on me whatsoever!

    I wish I could offer words of wisdom, some kind of answer, but the only thing that I have found helps is to talk, let it out, the rants, the screams, the unfairness of it all xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, my husband has stage 4 lung cancer and he is very angry. He has nothing nice to say to me at all, even though I'm running myself into the ground. All the nurses think he is lovely though!! 

    So I tend to keep quiet and put up with it.... I read your post and thought .. good for you speaking out, I will from now on.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi lisagrez. I'm sorry to hear about your husband.

    As you've seen, we all seem to have similar experiences with our other halves (OH). It saddens me that a lot of us have been trying to cope in silence. I had a melt down and contacted Macmillan in desparation. They were brilliant just listening to me and suggested I read and chatted to other people in similar circumstances here.  I'm so glad I did. I've been so isolated and this is a great place to speak out and share.

    Sometimes family and friends just don't "get it" and what you're going through - as well as your husband. It seems that OHs can be absolute sweeties to others outside the house, but at home their frustration, fear and anger is channelled at those that are closest. It's so hard. I honestly don't recognise the person my husband has become sometimes.

    It hurts so much when you've supported an OH, done everything you can for them through thick and thin, only to be met with very harsh comment, anger, criticism. I'm scared too!

    Keep talking and speaking out. It's been a revelation to me, and helped me so much.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi everyone and welcome Lisagrez,  Everyone is so lovely here and is so good that we can vent our innermost feelings without being judged re what we are going through with our OH's!!

    We are still not talking yet again after very gently asking him to turn over as snoring for over an hour and ear plugs doing nothing!  I actually was Soo cautious and asked him so nicely as walking on eggshells over everything and, as said, told me in no uncertain terms to shut up (in non polite terms).  In morning was  told I am an absolute bully and was sent text at work that marriage is over!!

    We are not talking at all, even more irritating is that he is constantly humming to himself in a kind of happy mood as if nothing is wrong at all.  I sent a text as I was leaving from work tonigh to say do you want to go out tonight or tomorrow night just to talk away from the house,  No response and he has returned from work in silence (except humming in happy mood) not acknowledging me at all.

    So blooming hurtful - roll on 11th July to put me out of misery once and for all!! I honestly can't take much more of this.  We had belated honeymoon booked for August and even that had to be cancelled due to building works.  It is actually a year ago exactly today that he had his bowel cancer surgery - and SOooo the nightmare began!!!

    Trying to stay strong and keep thinking once results are good he will zap back.  Why can't men talk instead of torturing us?!!!

    Thanks Granny Sue for words of wisdom and talking does help. Thank you everyone for just being there!!!

    Cyber hugs xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

     My husband is just the same he has  asbestos Lung cancer  ( mesothelioma).only found out February this year,  He is angry with me and the boys  nothing I’m do is right his nurses think is a funny man  if only they knew what it was like living with him , The only trouble is I’ve got breast cancer and I had it  since last year still having radiotherapy now so I’m tired I’ve had to have my eldest son  living with me to help me out with me and my husband  The only trouble is he  is  not my husband son so they don’t get on but I don’t care , he is staying , it’s a nightmare every day I could cry  ....