Marriage falling apart - Husband won't talk about feelings!

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Hi, took yesterday and today off work (not like me) as feeling so low/can't stop crying) and rang Macmillan yesterday for advice and suggested counselling and to talk ... so here goes.  Husband diagnosed with bowel cancer last May which obviously was huge shock for us both.  Had major surgery in June which was really successful and made excellent recovery.  Then in August were told by Registrar in Oncology that only had 2% chance of cancer returning so, in her mind, suggested chemo not needed. 5 minutes later, her boss walked in and said we shouldn't think 2% as a low chance as imagine you are in Grand National and that outsider you didn't bet on comes in. To cut long story short, husband wanted to take chance to not have it, but I agreed with Consultant so he went ahead.

In September, after completing the very first cycle of chemo, he became desperately ill and had to be rushed to hospital with 39.5 temperature and ended up being in a "cell" of a room for 5 weeks undergoing all kinds of horrific treatment due to a severe and, were told, very rare side effects of chemo which made him lose every bit of his skin from head to toe and all his nails, couldn't keep anything down and was delirious for over a week.  To top it all, after not having to have a stoma after initial surgery (his WORST fear) I was told (away from him) that his stomach had distended so much that his bowel and appendix were nearly at bursting point and they might have to remove the lot!!! He was oblivious to this (I was not).  Thankfully he turned a corner with that part, however, was losing weight at an alarming rate and his morale was at an all time low due to being kept in a "cell like room" 24/7 after contracting MRSA!! We made decision to discharge and came home 2stone 4lbs lighter in the 5 weeks he had been there.  Gradually got him home and with lots of tender loving care got him back to normal weight.

As his wife, I was obviously at hospital day and night, often until midnight as love him (still do), however, since Novembe)r I have noticed that he is criticising absolutely everything I do - my dinners are awful, my driving is appalling, my job is useless, I need to contribute more money (I am due for a pay rise and he has returned to work full time in January) and that I am lazy!! None of what he says is true and my family and friends have told me so and have noticed his "nit picking", however, I am feeling so anxious and panicky all the time now and go into a depression thinking about what to cook as worrying what he will come up with.  This week after huge row on Friday, he has been buying his own food - I am not eating as feel too upset.

Since he has come out of hospital, I have been trying to get him to talk to someone as it was such a traumatic experience and he is not the type of person who will talk to anyone (his father told him men never talk about their feelings as is a weakness).  He doesn't have close friends and his siblings are of same ilk as he is and when I have tried to ask them to talk to him, they have told me that it is our marriage and need to get on with it.  I have even suggested these forums to discuss but he has refused, as well as me saying I would go with him for counselling.  Nothing/ has even said he would get divorced than go for counselling!! 

In the last few weeks his actions have become more physical i.e. I have had my car keys pulled out of my car whilst I was driving and pulling up my handbrake because he demanded I take him straight home (we were running late to collect my daughter) and refused to come instead of making me even later by taking him home.  I have had washing thrown in my face and been shoved out of our bed after arguing because I can't take much more!!

I know he loves me and I love him, but WHAT do you do with someone who point blankly refuses to talk ?  I totally understand he is worried as has first check up on 11 July (colonoscopy) and he has told me that if cancer returns he won't be strong enough to deal with it.  I have given as many cuddles/reassurances that I will be there/face things together, but his behaviour is becoming unacceptable/I am feeling resentful towards him because of the constant digs and feel our marriage might be ending, although neither of us wants to deep down. 

Sorry for my long essay,  has anyone else dealt with these feelings and how to get your partner to open up.  I have in my head that I should leave things until after the appointment on 11th July as talking to him is not helping and since Sunday it has been the silent treatment.

Any advice would be appreciated.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi everyone!  I went quiet again …… OH has been really poorly.  They "think" he was fighting some sort of infection, but its still unclear as to what it is.  He stopped eating and was living on Complan.  It's just been awful to watch.  The verbal aggression towards me has been bad, the arguments, and him looking at me as though - well - like i'm something brought in on the bottom of his shoe!  Fortunately he does seem a bit better in the last few days and has started eating very small amounts of food again.  I'm just nearly past myself again - and I went quiet.  That's obviously what I do.  So, I thought I'd get back on here and pour some stuff out.

    I could scream - I feel like banging my head on the wall … you know, all the stuff that is totally pointless and wouldn't help in the slightest (apart from giving you a blinding headache).  I walk away if I spot any potential confrontation looming, but I'm still left with my own inner anger and fear.

    So, a bad couple of weeks. I'm hoping things will improve but I'm finding it hard to see any light at the end of any of tunnel at the moment.

    That's me.  I hope all of you all are well and coping.

  • Hi polly62, doesn't itake you wonder why you spend your days being supportive, cooking things they ask for or you hope will tempt them only for it to be rejected. He's lost loads of weight so l am now a fatty, comments when I eat. He seems unable or unwilling to pick up a ringing phone  answer a simple question or do anything for himself. I appreciate he is weak  in pain and afraid but there is no motivation, and I don't know how to get his motivation back. Yes I too get annoyed and scared, got up at 5am because of my panicky feelings and walked the dogs, did some cooking, etc.. Anything to stop me thinking.. I hear you girl, let it all out. At the moment he is upstairs in bed and I am downstairs. Happy days!  I wish I could make things right again, this is no fun for either of us x

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I'm in a completely different situation so can only empathise with your very difficult situation. Observing from the outside sometimes it seems to me that (and I think Grannysue mentioned it) that those closest get the biggest dose of angry venting from the person with cancer. Its the 'safest' way they can vent as they know you won't necessarily hit back. But sometimes I think you need to let them know that yes, they have the cancer but it affects everyone surrounding them. Cancer is the pebble dropped into a still pond, the ripples travel out right to the lands edge. Also there are times that you need to stop being strong in front of them and let them see how YOU are feeling and the effect their changed behaviour is having.

    I might be over generalising but men often seem to get very angry and are not so adept at channelling their anger in a more positive way. Its absolute hell for you! When someone is giving the silent treatment or lashing out verbally and physically and you can see its coming from the cancer diagnosis it strikes me just how much pain they are in emotionally. All you can do if they can't seem to help themselves is protect yourself. Abuse of any kind should never be tolerated and maybe reflecting back his behaviour might make him realise how horrid he is being. Maybe time apart is a positive thing, maybe subconsciously that what he's trying to do as its might be easier for him to deal with his emotions on his own. Some people can feel very pressured when a loved one is always at their side through eveything, it maybe guilt of what their cancer is putting you through, it again maybe that he feels overwhelmed with you being there through everything. We're all different and deal (or not deal) with these situations in very differing ways.

    I hope you and hubby can find common ground but to me he sounds like a very, very scared person who doesn't know howto deal with it emotionally. Hope you can find some respite, I wish you some peace and sending hugs to you xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Polly62, have been offline too, have had medical issues of my own recently/MRI scan/hospital appointments, but as usual all about OH.  We go to the hospital tomorrow afternoon for the one year review/results of CT scan.  As said have had medical issues of my own and my GP asked me last week how OH was and I said he has no appointment for colonoscopy before final review meeting, GP said no - he doesn't need one as he has had CT scan which will show up absolutely everything.  Therefore, joyfully bounced back home and told OH no need for dreaded colonoscopy which really pleased him.  However, got home tonight and dreaded letter on doormat saying colonoscopy booked for this Saturday THREE DAYS AFTER final review meeting tomorrow (had CT scan 3 weeks ago).  Have had whole evening being told I am totally useless for telling him what our GP told me and he has eaten no dinner tonight and had whole evening of verbal abuse!  Am remembering counselor who said say Ouch - you have really hurt me as was only telling you what GP told me and am going with him tomorrow for review meeting.  Wanted to punch his lights out as put up whole weekend with him going out for stag night with friend/came home hung over and whole Sunday in bed and pampering him!!

    Really hard to take, have been banned to spare room as he just so nasty and abusive and to top it all his work not going great this week so got it all guns blazing boo hoo!!! I can appreciate he is scared for review meeting tomorrow and wasn't expecting to have colonoscopy after what our GP said, but not my fault/only went by what GP told me.  Hey ho, just trying to keep calm and not blow up and scream back, but just so difficult!! As said before,  his family have told me to get on with it/not their problem/it our marriage problems blah blah blah

    Tomorrow is another day and all that ................. Stay strong!!!!!  Going bed now after waiting for blooming cat to come home to add to troubles lol!!!!! xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Rags63. I'm so sorry you're not well and have also been having MRI/hospital appointments. Timing eh?  I hope you are ok and it can all be sorted out.

    I also hope that the review went well for your OH.  We both know that it isn't your fault about the information you received from the GP - then the letter turning up in the post …. but, again, you were nearest and took the brunt of OH's anger and fear.

    My OH has been very unwell with an infection. I have been overwhelmed again with the worry and his anger.  Fortunately he is a lot better and has calmed slightly - but I'm tip-toeing on eggshells the whole time.  It is difficult not to explode at times.

    Please let me/everyone know how the review went and I do hope that your own medical problems are sorted out quickly.  You too stay strong, and enjoy the cats company - they are very good listeners??!!

  • Rags, it's so difficult isn't it? You are coping so well even if it doesn't feel like it

     I so admire you and wish I could say something to help. My OH, can be a pain as well but not as abusive. On his 70th birthday last week he went with his mate to look at cars when we were supposed to go out. He has since bought a very expensive one without me even seeing it. He  should be waiting for a gp phonecall but goes to the pub with a friend. As you say, we can understand that they are feeling powerless and afraid in facing this disease, but we have feelings too. Sister, I salute you xx

    Love is eternal
  • Rags, it's so difficult isn't it? You are coping so well even if it doesn't feel like it

     I so admire you and wish I could say something to help. My OH, can be a pain as well but not as abusive. On his 70th birthday last week he went with his mate to look at cars when we were supposed to go out. He has since bought a very expensive one without me even seeing it. He  should be waiting for a gp phonecall but goes to the pub with a friend. As you say, we can understand that they are feeling powerless and afraid in facing this disease, but we have feelings too. Sister, I salute you xx

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Polly62 and Needing Friends

    I am ok, arthritis in neck that's all/stiff neck all time/going to inject steroids - but nothing compared to our OH's problems! Am so sorry to hear of your OH's infection Polly62 but pleased to hear he is on the mend! Needing Friends - men are Sooo blooming selfish!!!  How is it that they can be horrible to us, then suddenly lovely to everyone else!!

    Well, it appears OH is ok - blood markers went up from a 4 to 5 but didn't seem concerned and latest CT scan all clear but needs colonoscopy to confirm all is well.  OH was in really good mood afterwards, although obviously still concerned that Colonoscopy will also show all is well. Had one day of him being all happy!

    Unfortunately his job not going well/ more pressure so am up against his moods yet again!!! Am Soo fed up that tonight I just sat on sun lounger after work and saw him come out to garden and just ignored him!  Always me asking how he is feeling yet never asks about how I am!  It's Friday - I work in a really hectic environment with badly behaved children so chillaxing with a very large Pinot in my hand!!

    Am trying to switch off and not get upset!! Soo hard though and feel for you both!!!! We were ok until Cancer struck! 

    Take care all.  Big cyber hugs and love xx