Marriage falling apart - Husband won't talk about feelings!

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Hi, took yesterday and today off work (not like me) as feeling so low/can't stop crying) and rang Macmillan yesterday for advice and suggested counselling and to talk ... so here goes.  Husband diagnosed with bowel cancer last May which obviously was huge shock for us both.  Had major surgery in June which was really successful and made excellent recovery.  Then in August were told by Registrar in Oncology that only had 2% chance of cancer returning so, in her mind, suggested chemo not needed. 5 minutes later, her boss walked in and said we shouldn't think 2% as a low chance as imagine you are in Grand National and that outsider you didn't bet on comes in. To cut long story short, husband wanted to take chance to not have it, but I agreed with Consultant so he went ahead.

In September, after completing the very first cycle of chemo, he became desperately ill and had to be rushed to hospital with 39.5 temperature and ended up being in a "cell" of a room for 5 weeks undergoing all kinds of horrific treatment due to a severe and, were told, very rare side effects of chemo which made him lose every bit of his skin from head to toe and all his nails, couldn't keep anything down and was delirious for over a week.  To top it all, after not having to have a stoma after initial surgery (his WORST fear) I was told (away from him) that his stomach had distended so much that his bowel and appendix were nearly at bursting point and they might have to remove the lot!!! He was oblivious to this (I was not).  Thankfully he turned a corner with that part, however, was losing weight at an alarming rate and his morale was at an all time low due to being kept in a "cell like room" 24/7 after contracting MRSA!! We made decision to discharge and came home 2stone 4lbs lighter in the 5 weeks he had been there.  Gradually got him home and with lots of tender loving care got him back to normal weight.

As his wife, I was obviously at hospital day and night, often until midnight as love him (still do), however, since Novembe)r I have noticed that he is criticising absolutely everything I do - my dinners are awful, my driving is appalling, my job is useless, I need to contribute more money (I am due for a pay rise and he has returned to work full time in January) and that I am lazy!! None of what he says is true and my family and friends have told me so and have noticed his "nit picking", however, I am feeling so anxious and panicky all the time now and go into a depression thinking about what to cook as worrying what he will come up with.  This week after huge row on Friday, he has been buying his own food - I am not eating as feel too upset.

Since he has come out of hospital, I have been trying to get him to talk to someone as it was such a traumatic experience and he is not the type of person who will talk to anyone (his father told him men never talk about their feelings as is a weakness).  He doesn't have close friends and his siblings are of same ilk as he is and when I have tried to ask them to talk to him, they have told me that it is our marriage and need to get on with it.  I have even suggested these forums to discuss but he has refused, as well as me saying I would go with him for counselling.  Nothing/ has even said he would get divorced than go for counselling!! 

In the last few weeks his actions have become more physical i.e. I have had my car keys pulled out of my car whilst I was driving and pulling up my handbrake because he demanded I take him straight home (we were running late to collect my daughter) and refused to come instead of making me even later by taking him home.  I have had washing thrown in my face and been shoved out of our bed after arguing because I can't take much more!!

I know he loves me and I love him, but WHAT do you do with someone who point blankly refuses to talk ?  I totally understand he is worried as has first check up on 11 July (colonoscopy) and he has told me that if cancer returns he won't be strong enough to deal with it.  I have given as many cuddles/reassurances that I will be there/face things together, but his behaviour is becoming unacceptable/I am feeling resentful towards him because of the constant digs and feel our marriage might be ending, although neither of us wants to deep down. 

Sorry for my long essay,  has anyone else dealt with these feelings and how to get your partner to open up.  I have in my head that I should leave things until after the appointment on 11th July as talking to him is not helping and since Sunday it has been the silent treatment.

Any advice would be appreciated.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MelanieL

    Hi Mel,

    First of all, I am so sorry you lost Paul, that's so sad - how are you coping right now?  Going back to the Oncology Department yesterday waiting to see Counsellor, it just made me feel so lucky OH here and alive and how bloody evil cancer is/all ages/men and women/sobering thought that OH is still around and am so lucky compared to others going through far worse!  

    I am still getting the silent treatment and thought I could tempt him with my roast dinner tonight (always works), but he has bought himself a bit of steak instead and refused my dins!  However, after the counselling last night, I feel so much stronger, together with all the support from here (thank you all!)  As I said, wish I'd come here ages ago and maybe I wouldn't have felt so low for such a long time.  Trying to just stay calm (am ready to say "ouch" once he's out of silent treatment!! -  I do understand the anxiety of having first colonoscopy next month and know he is scared of what the results will be, so will just have to accept his feelings until then I think.  Feeling calmer and not as though everything I do is wrong/am useless.

    How's everyone else today?  Thank you for support, I can't believe I can just off load and someone out there has similar experiences - so nice to feel I am not the only one going through this with OH!

    On Monday I was sobbing uncontrollably/had to take 3 days off work, as just couldn't cope any more with the put downs, but Thursday feel so different and feel stronger to deal with his moods!!

    I can't thank Macmillan enough, been so supportive!  Did a coffee morning at work last year and trying to raise even more this year.  

    Cyber hugs to all of you (feel like a different person just being able to talk!!) xx

  • So glad you are feeling stronger, keep it up girl!!! Xx

    Love is eternal
  • So glad you are feeling stronger, keep it up girl!!! Xx

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Glad you're feeling stronger. I too wish I'd visited here earlier!. I had my melt down on Wednesday morning, and now I'm glad I did!!  I needed to talk. I needed someone to understand how awful I felt and how difficult it was me.  A couple of my friends are very supportive, but I always feel there's a limit on how much you can unload on them. I don't want my misery to define me. 

    When my OH was diagnosed, he didn't want anyone to know initially. I respect that, but I think that's where my isolation began. Then when we did tell someone we truly trusted about it, the response was unexpected and unhelpful. I know it was probably shock and not knowing what to say. When I told my life long friend,  her response was "my uncle had that and he died horribly"!  All these incidents put me off talking to anyone .... bad move.  

    However, after my melt down and reading all your comments I feel much, much better.  I now have an outlet to talk amongst people who truly understand.  Thank you all.

    I had a much better day yesterday.  A trip to the tip didn't end up in an argument!  I told OH to stay in the car and I'd do the lot!  Later in the day he thanked me and said he hadn't felt physically up to it. Woohoo!  That's the first time he's actually shared how he felt in I don't know how long.  And, we actually sat down and had some dinner together. 

    Let's hope today will be a good one. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Polly62, Aww, I am so glad that yesterday was a much better day for you and that you had dinner together/maybe it was a turning point sharing how he feels with you and hopefully it will continue (fingers crossed).

    Our first weekend in ages that we will be on our own without visit from one of our 6 grown up children between us for the weekend, so am hoping that as we both not at work, we can talk as still on silent treatment after speaking to his sister last weekend during my total meltdown.  I am of course ready to say "ouch, that really hurt me" if he verbally attacks again.  

    I keep saying this, but am so glad we are all sharing our feelings here and am a much stronger person than this time last week.  

    Still getting the silent treatment and have not bothered cooking meal for him tonight, as all week, he has been buying own "food for one person", which is easier as I don't have to worry about any criticism, however, very sad we haven't been sitting down together to eat.  I wouldn't mind but am a good cook ha ha!  Just making a point I think to hurt.

    Less than a month now until check up, so guess I wlll let this go until then.  Just wish he would understand I have been and always will be there to share feelings with and better to talk than bottle up.  

    Cyber hugs/so glad am not alone in this! xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Had a few good days … a few hiccups along the way.  I think because I feel calmer I can withstand any little verbals that are thrown around much better.

    We went round to my friends on Saturday.  As I mentioned before, OH has isolated himself all through this, but he was talking to my friend (who also has prostate problems, but fortunately not cancer).  OH turned into a different person, they were discussing prostates (as you do?), building works, I-pads …. there was laughter.  My friend is aware of the problems and how I've been feeling.  For the rest of Saturday and into Sunday OH was positively chirpy and full of conversation.  He said he'd really enjoyed Saturday.  I think this proves the point that isolation for either of us is not the best thing.  My dear friend has said that he will do his best to involve OH in small things going on to try and give OH an outlet other than myself.  I'm all for it.  Its a step that I think will help OH.  I have dropped into the conversation about OH giving Macmillan a call.  I'm not going to push it but I've planted the idea perhaps?

    OH had some more blood tests last week - sadly there seems to be something not right.  He's seeing the doctor on Wednesday.  He was told not to worry and the doctor would explain everything.  How can he/we not worry??  You just wonder what's going to be thrown at you next.  I know I shouldn't dwell on the negative, but with everything else that's happened, I just cant help it.

    I miss cooking too!!  OH doesn't eat very much anyway and he seems to hate me asking "what he fancies"  Our meals seem to be simple stuff and not very much of it!  Good for the waistline, but BORING!  Mmmmmm… a nice roast with 26 veg!!!

    I hope your weekend went well and you were able to talk to your OH.  I'm sure it will be tense in the coming weeks with the check up on the horizon.  Not an easy one at all.  Just remember we're all here for you.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Polly 62

    Am so pleased that visit to your friends went well and that OH clearly enjoyed himself and laughed/isolation is definitely not good as we know with way we have previously felt with OHs until knowing we are not the only ones!  I feel exactly the same as you in that I feel so much calmer with him and that somehow I won 't get so upset about what he says now!

    What a lovely friend to try and include OH/that will certainly help him and think some, not all (but mine for sure) sees it as a weakness as a man  to discuss their inner-most feelings.   I really hope Wednesday goes ok, if the doctor says not to worry then try not to, as more than their job is worth to say anything, so am sure it could be simple.  My OH got called in a few months ago as potassium level was low after blood test and just gave him tablets to take but totally understand that your mind, understandably, goes into instant overdrive thinking the worst all the time.  My friend gave me a good saying over the weekend "here and now" he is here now, just think of that every day. 

    We had very quiet weekend without our respective kids (very unusual) nothing much was said, he did give me a hug on Saturday and actually came with me for a food shop (hates shops).  Afterwards, he asked if I fancied stopping off for a drink, obviously said yes!!! I told him that the counselling last Thursday was good for me and encouraged him just to talk to me.  He said that he just can't think of anything until he gets results which I understand and will just have to deal with that until then.  But, as said, feel stronger/calmer after being on here and the counselling, so think I can deal with him until then.  Just given him encouragement that I am here/love him etc. etc. 

    His sister has been in touch with him after me contacting her and appears all is well (so I don't feel like I have totally ruined his relationship with her that he accused me of). 

    Anyhow, he did succumb to my roast dinner last night and enjoyed it - however, back to the drawing board again tonight as is cooking for himself. 

    Lovely to hear from you and everyone else out there going through similar.  Keep repeating myself, but could have saved myself so much angst by finding out about this site ages ago.  Never mind, so lovely to chat - he mowing grass at the moment! :) 

    Cyber hugs xx

  • Hi both,

    I am so pleased that both your relationships seem to be more peaceful again with some engagement from your husbands with you.

    It used to be the same for us: Some days and sometimes even weeks were difficult but then everything calmed down and we were able to talk a little.

    I think that, apart from what we are all going through, it is a given that men find it harder to talk about their feelings and whatever is going on for them. So maybe that is part of it all too.

    Worrying about what doctors say: Oh yes, I remember that too. I used to feel so agitated before we had an appointment or even a phone call with the oncologist. And my husband did too even though he would find it harder to express that.

    Love to all on here!


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MelanieL

    Mel - we here for you hun - just talk!!! Got a text from OH at work this morning to say wants to end marriage and hopes I will be adult about it ha ha as I am making HIM FEEL DOWN despite him being totally loved and pampered throughout this whole process and he verbally abusive to me!!!!!  If he had said that to me last week, I would have had total melt down/however, not bothered at all!

    All I did was ask him to turn over after an hour of loud snoring last night - was told to shut up in SUCH an aggressive/mean manner and this morning was told I am a total bully!!!! Am laughing now, as yet another put down but I  did my "Ouch" approach to myself!!/ didn't say it to him! Really does work!

    I keep having to think 11th July is his colonoscopy/CT scan results and to just keep going/stay calm!! I am so happy at work/friends/family but feel down as soon as I get home!

    Sorry, perhaps knowing I have you guys to vent to PLUS having Counseling/friends/family I really have had enough! Counselor gave me the strength to think although he anxious, you do NOT deserve abuse and that is my mantra right now!!

    So sorry for my latest vent!!  

    Cyber hugs xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So he has come home to a tidy home/been told I am a tramp/house untidy yet spotless - what the heck?!!! Do you know what - enough is kind of enough now/cancer is cancer/been there every step of way, have  fought tooth and nail from very first day he was diagnosed /screamed and cried for him to jump queue for blood test after that momentous first day of being told.  Cried and demanded care fighting his corner whilst in hospital/he caught MRSA and bathed/dried him in cell room every day/stayed till nearly midnight most nights and had to run through dark creepy car park on my own/discharged him out of hospital two stone underweight after 5 weeks and gradually got him back to full weight within a month with SOoo much TLC!! Found products to help him to regain hair loss but blah!!!

    I AM DONE!!!! I can't take it anymore!!!!xx