Marriage falling apart - Husband won't talk about feelings!

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Hi, took yesterday and today off work (not like me) as feeling so low/can't stop crying) and rang Macmillan yesterday for advice and suggested counselling and to talk ... so here goes.  Husband diagnosed with bowel cancer last May which obviously was huge shock for us both.  Had major surgery in June which was really successful and made excellent recovery.  Then in August were told by Registrar in Oncology that only had 2% chance of cancer returning so, in her mind, suggested chemo not needed. 5 minutes later, her boss walked in and said we shouldn't think 2% as a low chance as imagine you are in Grand National and that outsider you didn't bet on comes in. To cut long story short, husband wanted to take chance to not have it, but I agreed with Consultant so he went ahead.

In September, after completing the very first cycle of chemo, he became desperately ill and had to be rushed to hospital with 39.5 temperature and ended up being in a "cell" of a room for 5 weeks undergoing all kinds of horrific treatment due to a severe and, were told, very rare side effects of chemo which made him lose every bit of his skin from head to toe and all his nails, couldn't keep anything down and was delirious for over a week.  To top it all, after not having to have a stoma after initial surgery (his WORST fear) I was told (away from him) that his stomach had distended so much that his bowel and appendix were nearly at bursting point and they might have to remove the lot!!! He was oblivious to this (I was not).  Thankfully he turned a corner with that part, however, was losing weight at an alarming rate and his morale was at an all time low due to being kept in a "cell like room" 24/7 after contracting MRSA!! We made decision to discharge and came home 2stone 4lbs lighter in the 5 weeks he had been there.  Gradually got him home and with lots of tender loving care got him back to normal weight.

As his wife, I was obviously at hospital day and night, often until midnight as love him (still do), however, since Novembe)r I have noticed that he is criticising absolutely everything I do - my dinners are awful, my driving is appalling, my job is useless, I need to contribute more money (I am due for a pay rise and he has returned to work full time in January) and that I am lazy!! None of what he says is true and my family and friends have told me so and have noticed his "nit picking", however, I am feeling so anxious and panicky all the time now and go into a depression thinking about what to cook as worrying what he will come up with.  This week after huge row on Friday, he has been buying his own food - I am not eating as feel too upset.

Since he has come out of hospital, I have been trying to get him to talk to someone as it was such a traumatic experience and he is not the type of person who will talk to anyone (his father told him men never talk about their feelings as is a weakness).  He doesn't have close friends and his siblings are of same ilk as he is and when I have tried to ask them to talk to him, they have told me that it is our marriage and need to get on with it.  I have even suggested these forums to discuss but he has refused, as well as me saying I would go with him for counselling.  Nothing/ has even said he would get divorced than go for counselling!! 

In the last few weeks his actions have become more physical i.e. I have had my car keys pulled out of my car whilst I was driving and pulling up my handbrake because he demanded I take him straight home (we were running late to collect my daughter) and refused to come instead of making me even later by taking him home.  I have had washing thrown in my face and been shoved out of our bed after arguing because I can't take much more!!

I know he loves me and I love him, but WHAT do you do with someone who point blankly refuses to talk ?  I totally understand he is worried as has first check up on 11 July (colonoscopy) and he has told me that if cancer returns he won't be strong enough to deal with it.  I have given as many cuddles/reassurances that I will be there/face things together, but his behaviour is becoming unacceptable/I am feeling resentful towards him because of the constant digs and feel our marriage might be ending, although neither of us wants to deep down. 

Sorry for my long essay,  has anyone else dealt with these feelings and how to get your partner to open up.  I have in my head that I should leave things until after the appointment on 11th July as talking to him is not helping and since Sunday it has been the silent treatment.

Any advice would be appreciated.

  • FormerMember

    oh my dear you really are having to deal with a lot. I haven't experienced what you have but to me it sounds like he is a very frightend man and don't we always lash out at our closest, nearest and dearest. It is safe way (for them anyway) to vent but absolute hell for you.

    i'm sure you'll get replies from carers who have experienced this and their experiences will help. Meanwhile i didn't want you to feel unheard so i'm sending virtual hugs and hopes that someone will be able to give more support xx.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Aww thank you so much for your kind reply/tears again!! I know you are right in that we always lash out at our nearest and dearest, however, it's all becoming a bit much lately for me to take.

    Am just so frightened that this will tear us apart after being through so much together.  Sending you virtual hugs back for listening and replying.  Am returning to work tomorrow/need to get a grip again. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    It's funny but i use work as way to get away from the situation for a while. Different set of people, different things to focus on. Just don't be too hard on yourself and think of your well being too xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi.  Sounds like you you've really been through it.

    My husband has prostate cancer and its not going very well.  He's never been a great "sharer" of feelings, but for the last few months he's been even worse.  He wont talk to me.  I totally get his worry, anger and frustration, but he seems to take it out on me.  Nothing is right!  I went into a melt down this morning and I phoned Macmillan as I'm at a total loss on how to help him.  

    I'm afraid I have no answers for you (at the moment), but I just wanted you to know that as soon as I read your message, I felt the similarity of feelings.- and I bet we're not the only ones?  It is tough, and "nearest and dearest" can come out with the most unhelpful and weird advice!!

    You sound like you're very strong.  Please try and stay strong.  I'm going to.  Knowing that I/we can connect with others who have experienced these sort of things seems very positive in keeping our sanity!  At least they know what we're talking about and we can get it off our chests without judgement!!

  • FormerMember

    Boy oh boy Rags63

    You are most certainly not alone in have taken the hardest step by admitting all what is happening.

    Do you have anyone that you trust enough to pour all this out to?

    As well as the cooking my husband insisted on doing his own food shopping, we had seperate shelves in the fridge etc.  to begin with I felt so guilty, I felt that I needed to do the "looking after", "making sure that everything was done", but he caught me in a bad mood one day so I let him have it...."ok if you want to do your own shopping and cooking that's fine by me" and so that is what happened, it lasted about 10 days, until it was the weekend and I was going to cook a Sunday Roast, just for me, as I was preparing the veg I dropped into conversation "would you like me to do you a few roast potatoes?", a very grumpy "yes" came as the answer, he realised that shopping and cooking for one is not as much fun as he thought it was going to be, along with the clearing up as well.

    Even now and we are 7 / 8 years into this journey he has times when he is a bloomin' nightmare, but time has taught me to just "grin and bear it", it's not easy but there is no magical cure so I take another huge breath and carry on.

    My husband is a really obnoxious piece of work, he always spoke his mind before he was sick but since then he doesn't seem to care who he offends, once upon a time I would apologise for him but now I take no notice and if people don't like to socialise with him that's his lookout!

    You are never going to have all the answers that he wants to hear, you are never going to be able to make things how they used to be. And if you are being given the silent treatment relish it for the short time before he starts hurling abuse at you again!

    Stand tall, do your best to dodge the bullets when they fly but know that it is not your fault, you can only do your best, surround yourself with friends who are able to support you, and of course spill your concerns and worries here, there are a lot of folk here that have some understanding of what you are going through 

    Best wishes

    Jackie D

  • FormerMember

    Dear Rags

    This sounds all too dreadful for words! it is true that very few of us get through this long nightmare without at least a few shoutings, sulkings, stompings off , but this is on a completely different level.

    Verbal abuse and silence are horrid, but ultimately bearable, but alarm bells start to ring when the abuse becomes physical. I don't think you should have things, even soft things, thrown at you, I dont think you should be pushed out of bed. The car incident sounds dangerous, pulling on a handbrake? someone could have run into you from behind! And you have a child to consider.

    I really don't think you should wait for another month before seeking help for this behaviour, either from your GP, or from the hospital that is treating your husband ( perhaps the specialist nurse, or the registrar would be a point of contact?).  I'm not sure that this sort of behaviour is addressed by talking to someone about relationships, and anyway, you say he isn't going to co operate. Perhaps some chemical intervention is called for, anti depressants or  a soother, perhaps he needs help with sleeping (sleep derivation through anxiety can cause a lot of behavioural abnormalities).

    So I think you need to seek professional, medical advice, and sooner rather than later.

    I will be holdng you in my thoughts.


  • Oh wow - I’m so sorry to hear this rags68 - and others who’ve replied going through similar,  

    I actually logged onto this site today to say.... almost the same thing you have!

    I love my husband - I will never leave him - but I’m so so tired of being picked on.  ANYthing I do is wrong and yes although he’s not hit me there have been physical actions (not to me ... just surrounding objects) and sometimes I’m so scared. I get that the past 2 years have taken its toll on him but.... it’s not only his life that’s changed....we’ve both lost our joint business (self employed and cancer is not a good combo I ran it as best as I cld alone but it never really recovered and Cos was in hospital for almost a year -incl a very long time in icu).   we are at risk of losing our house.  We’ve lost most of savings.  ALL of this is stressful... but I keep telling him .... he’s alive.   THATS what matters...  but he’s “mr angry”.   Literally anything I say or do pisses him off.   I KNOW it’s not personal.. I KNOW he loves me ... just wish he’d give me a reprieve from the constant moaning at me.  Anything I do and say.  And at the same time I’m having to keep my fears inside about the future.  (Will cancer come back? Will we be homeless? How will we cope? Will he live?) 

     i just wish I cld have a “temper tantrum” like he does.   I wish I cld just stop caring.  I strongly suspect he has depression and as we know in men in can manifest as aggression and fault finding.  He won’t go for counselling.

    thinking of you all. 

    Ps right now he’s just “destroyed” the printer because it jammed !!! Great so more cleaning up for me to do and more money to spend (which we don’t have) to buy a new one. 

     *Learning God is in control and every day holds the chance of another miracle.*

  • I have to say that I completely agree with Niobe. You need to find help and support and you need it now. The incidents you have described in your email sound not only frustrating having to deal with but in fact scary and frightening and dangerous. Too serious to be waiting for another month. Please talk to your GP or the specialist nurse or even your husband's consultant or any other hospital staff.

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hey rags63,

    If your OH is taking physical measures to express his fears then, regardless of how much you love him and he loves you, you need to put you and your daughters physical safety first. 

    If you can't keep yourself safe, how can you be expected to keep him safe?

    Do you have a friend you both can stay with for a couple of days? Maybe a taste of isolation will make him examine himself and his actions.

    Stay safe. Stay strong.

    Ewen :-)

    The day after your journey ends, the sun will still rise.
    As will you.
  • Hi I no what you mean my hubby personality has changed so much I feel for you our children have grown up but they seen the way he’s spoke to me and told him to wind his neck in like you he’s my bestButterflyate my friend always together we think the same I no it sounds daft but this person who’s sat next to me is not my hubby then all off a sudden he’s calm it’s very strange sorry I am not much help Butterfly x