Marriage falling apart - Husband won't talk about feelings!

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Hi, took yesterday and today off work (not like me) as feeling so low/can't stop crying) and rang Macmillan yesterday for advice and suggested counselling and to talk ... so here goes.  Husband diagnosed with bowel cancer last May which obviously was huge shock for us both.  Had major surgery in June which was really successful and made excellent recovery.  Then in August were told by Registrar in Oncology that only had 2% chance of cancer returning so, in her mind, suggested chemo not needed. 5 minutes later, her boss walked in and said we shouldn't think 2% as a low chance as imagine you are in Grand National and that outsider you didn't bet on comes in. To cut long story short, husband wanted to take chance to not have it, but I agreed with Consultant so he went ahead.

In September, after completing the very first cycle of chemo, he became desperately ill and had to be rushed to hospital with 39.5 temperature and ended up being in a "cell" of a room for 5 weeks undergoing all kinds of horrific treatment due to a severe and, were told, very rare side effects of chemo which made him lose every bit of his skin from head to toe and all his nails, couldn't keep anything down and was delirious for over a week.  To top it all, after not having to have a stoma after initial surgery (his WORST fear) I was told (away from him) that his stomach had distended so much that his bowel and appendix were nearly at bursting point and they might have to remove the lot!!! He was oblivious to this (I was not).  Thankfully he turned a corner with that part, however, was losing weight at an alarming rate and his morale was at an all time low due to being kept in a "cell like room" 24/7 after contracting MRSA!! We made decision to discharge and came home 2stone 4lbs lighter in the 5 weeks he had been there.  Gradually got him home and with lots of tender loving care got him back to normal weight.

As his wife, I was obviously at hospital day and night, often until midnight as love him (still do), however, since Novembe)r I have noticed that he is criticising absolutely everything I do - my dinners are awful, my driving is appalling, my job is useless, I need to contribute more money (I am due for a pay rise and he has returned to work full time in January) and that I am lazy!! None of what he says is true and my family and friends have told me so and have noticed his "nit picking", however, I am feeling so anxious and panicky all the time now and go into a depression thinking about what to cook as worrying what he will come up with.  This week after huge row on Friday, he has been buying his own food - I am not eating as feel too upset.

Since he has come out of hospital, I have been trying to get him to talk to someone as it was such a traumatic experience and he is not the type of person who will talk to anyone (his father told him men never talk about their feelings as is a weakness).  He doesn't have close friends and his siblings are of same ilk as he is and when I have tried to ask them to talk to him, they have told me that it is our marriage and need to get on with it.  I have even suggested these forums to discuss but he has refused, as well as me saying I would go with him for counselling.  Nothing/ has even said he would get divorced than go for counselling!! 

In the last few weeks his actions have become more physical i.e. I have had my car keys pulled out of my car whilst I was driving and pulling up my handbrake because he demanded I take him straight home (we were running late to collect my daughter) and refused to come instead of making me even later by taking him home.  I have had washing thrown in my face and been shoved out of our bed after arguing because I can't take much more!!

I know he loves me and I love him, but WHAT do you do with someone who point blankly refuses to talk ?  I totally understand he is worried as has first check up on 11 July (colonoscopy) and he has told me that if cancer returns he won't be strong enough to deal with it.  I have given as many cuddles/reassurances that I will be there/face things together, but his behaviour is becoming unacceptable/I am feeling resentful towards him because of the constant digs and feel our marriage might be ending, although neither of us wants to deep down. 

Sorry for my long essay,  has anyone else dealt with these feelings and how to get your partner to open up.  I have in my head that I should leave things until after the appointment on 11th July as talking to him is not helping and since Sunday it has been the silent treatment.

Any advice would be appreciated.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to deebo

    Thank you all for your responses (some of them have made me giggle).  I rang my boss last night/had another cry and told her reason not in work since Monday and luckily she was really supportive.  However, am deffo going back tomorrow and feel so much stronger knowing that I am not the only person going through this with my OH.

    At the moment, he is so angry with me as I text his sister and nephew jointly last weekend in pure desperation asking them to talk to him as I can't take much more of the abuse as it's bringing me down, which in hindsight I should never have done, but had got to the point of thinking who will get him to listen?!  He said that I have put him down to his family (he doesn't have any close friends) and that I am making myself out to be a victim to them.  I shouldn't of spoken to them, not that they wanted to know or have given advice, only to get on with it or leave him!!  However, obviously, knowing what he has done to me has not painted him in a good light has it!! I wish I could turn the clock back on last weekend.  It didn't help that I had downed a few vinos and not eaten as so upset with yet another argument.  I had asked him a simple question on Friday night of how comes you have been late home every night this week.  Was just expecting a simple response, but what I got was an angry face and "what the f... has it got to do with you"!!  I was shocked and upset and yet another rotten angry response to anything I say.  My friend at work has seen him in the local pub on more than one occasion and suspect that is why he is late home and hence the response!

    I know some of you are worried about the physical abuse, however, I do know he wouldn't do anything that bad to me and our respective kids have all left home now, so they have not been witness to anything either verbal or physical which is a blessing.  

    After crying on phone to Macmillan on Monday, they gave me number for counsellor but warned there would be a waiting list.  I must have sounded bad, as she rang last night and got appointment tonight at 4.00 p.m. I just need more coping strategies instead of bottling up and then exploding with him.  I told him that I was going to see a counsellor and would love him to come with me, but said "what, are you the cancer victim now" and stop trying to organise his life.

    He has his first colonoscopy check up on 11th July and has told me after that he will decide whether to sell the house or not and go our separate ways after that date.  Deep down, this is not what either of us wants, but we have become so toxic in our relationship since November and just don't know how we will ever get out of this situation.  I can see that it will continue until at least the check up date.  I know how worrying it is for him and he knows that as with all this journey, I will be with him.

    Can't believe what a blooming mess we have become.  We only got married last January (2nd times for both of us) and he was diagnosed with cancer in May.  We didn't even get to have a honeymoon.  We actually booked a holiday (belated honeymoon) for this August, but ironically we had to cancel due to building works!!  

    Thanks for all your support - I do feel stronger today!! xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

     Hi, so sad to hear your husband 's treatment is not going well and must be so hard for you both.  We are waiting for the first check up but we sound so similar with our OH's moods!!  Believe me I don't feel strong and like you have had total melt down and felt so tearful that just couldn't face work which I feel dreadful about and need to pull myself together.

    It is so good that we can share on this site without judgement.  As I said, I too rang Macmillan on Monday as just felt I was going mad/not been able to eat and feel physically sick at the moment.   I am now seeing one of the counselors in the hospital he was treated in tonight.  Am hoping that I will get some coping strategies to deal better with his anger and frustration towards me and hopefully get our marriage back on track.

    I promise that I will post back any tips that might help all of us.  We all clearly love our OH's and all support and want to help them, but sadly as has been said, we are their closest to take it out on!

  • Just remember your not on your own we can free load from you and get tips on how to cope if that makes sense

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to deebo

    Thank you - means so much!!! I can't believe I am off now to see a counselor - feeling sick/OH is disgusted and all he thinks is that I will be putting him down to a stranger which is not the case. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I hope your counselling session went well and you've got some positive things to help you cope.

    Today has been better for me. OH was in a better place, but that can change at the drop of a hat! I'm so pleased I called Macmillan. Even through my tears, gulps and runny nose I felt that I was  being listened to and that I was important. Best of all I've found I'm not alone with what I'm going through and these OH mood problems are a "thing" - it exists - it's not just me. I'm sorry that any of us are having this extra pressure on top of coping with every day life and what will happen in the future. If I had a magic wand ..!?

    Now, I must go and continue to dry out my shoes .... which he threw down the road yesterday because they were in his way ...!!

  • Hi Rags63 

    You seem to have had some excellent responses and support and there's not much that I can add except one sentence of yours really resonated with me.

    "they told me that it is our marriage and need to get on with it"

    My husband and I went through similar and came out the other side. My experience leads me to feel it is NOT your marriage, it is cancer. Neither of us recognised ourselves during that period, we are a loving, committed couple and to have our relationship devalued in this way was horrendous. I couldn't see any of this at the time and was overwhelmed with guilt, anger and self doubt. 

    This is my experience and I don't know if it's helpful to you but if not please don't give it a second thought.

    I so, so hope things get better for you and for everyone suffering the damage this disease wreaks on our most cherished relationships. 

    Sending good wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 01592009

    Polly62, you made me giggle about the shoes/hope they dry out in this horrible weather and I was exactly the same as you crying and spluttering down the phone to Macmillan on Monday morning - the lady listening to me was absolutely fantastic and gave me number of Oncology Counselor that I saw tonight.  Please ring Macmillan back and get the number for your local counselor - went tonight and feeling so much better I can't begin to tell you!! I cried buckets throughout and told her how bad I was feeling with the constant put downs that is making me feel so low.  She suggested instead of ignoring him when he puts me down or blowing up when it all gets too much to  say "ouch" that really hurt me.  Not sure it will work, but will give it a try!! My confidence is at an all time low, but made me feel it is not my fault and though he is extremely anxious (obviously) for his forthcoming first major test to see if all clear, it is not acceptable for way he treats me and has made me feel stronger.  I have come back and he is still ignoring me as still upset for me calling his sister over weekend (evils of downing vino on an empty stomach whilst in "emotional wreck" mode and flying off texts) am so not proud of myself, but felt so low and crying/OH didn't care a jot.  I regret that move and counselor reassured me that most people would do the same when you have no one to talk to.  I SOoo wish I had come here first before blurting our marriage woes to his sister - who doesn't want to know anyway!!! Hey ho I can't change what I did!

    OH most definitely won't go for counselling himself and between the counselor and myself have agreed we will wait until 11th July (the big meeting) until we meet again. 

    Until then I have you guys to talk to and has really helped me enormously to think I am not alone anymore and that other people are going through exactly the same.  

    01592009 thank you for your kind words and glad you have come out the other side - hope we do too.  You are so right about the damage this rotten disease does to our relationships.  

    Text my boss to say I am definitely back to work tomorrow! Onwards and upwards and thank you all so much for support, hopefully we will all come out the other side!!! xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I'm so pleased talking to the counsellor helped you - and thanks for sharing. Some really good points there. I'll also try the "ouch" response and see what happens.  I'll also find out about my local counsellor.  Perhaps I've been holding all this in for far too long!

    Have a good day at work tomorrow.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    It honestly did help,  so please call them back and get your local Oncology Counselor number - still got silent treatment when got home, even though I text him after I  left the counselor  to tell him how much I loved him and I didn't "character assassinate him" just want to save our marriage!  'He has gone to bed and cooked his own stir fry dinner/didn't offer me any but to be honest,I can't face food, however, blooming good for my diet so a bonus I guess! .  Back to work tomorrow.  Like me, you have been holding this in for far too long.  I so wish I'd know about this site before - we are not alone hun!!! Nite nite xx

  • Hi Rags63,

    Oh I am sooo glad you had such a good counselling session this evening. It really sounds like it has given you a lot of strength to go forward. And this group seems to do the same for you. So please keep coming on here and know that we are all here to listen and that you are definitely not alone.

    I don't like to tell this story, but feel I should. Because where the silent treatment is concerned I unfortunately have a lot of experience. My Paul used to do that with me quite a lot. Like I remember so many times when we had a disagreement about something and he would sit downstairs and watch TV or read the paper or distract himself with something or other on the iPad, and when I would ask, "Sweetheart, are you coming to bed?" He would dismissively sa, "No, I am not coming to bed with you." Even though it was already late and the normal or sometimes way beyond our normal time for going to bed. So then I would go up to bed on my own and after twenty or thirty minutes or so, when he thought I would be asleep, he used to come in, lie down and go to sleep. It always surprised me how he was able to do this. Sometimes it made me so frustrated! I remember not long before he passed away he did the same thing. I was so worried for him and for us and I really couldn't understand how in this situation he could choose to behave like this and I shouted at him, "My God, you could be dead soon! Do you really think it is the right time to behave like this over a little misunderstanding?" But what I only realised much later on was: It was his way of coping with his own feelings of helplessness, his own feelings of losing control over his life and by behaving like this he at least had some control over things, if you know what I mean.

    It is terrible how this horrible disease makes us all suffer so much.

    Lots of love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.