My husband died in my arms on the 2nd May (2009) - what happens now?

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My husband - Chris - died on the 2nd May 2009 because he had anal cancer. He knew he was going and we spoke about lots and lots of things before he died. That is why I am just not prepared for the huge amount of guilt I feel now. I feel guilty that the world hasn't stopped turning round even though he has died. I feel like everything should stop as a mark of respect. I also feel very guilty that he had to be so ill he had to die. What a cruel cruel thing it is to make someone so ill their body just stops working. I wasn't ready for him to go. I really really hope these are normal feelings because I must hang on to my sanity for the sake of my 3 children. I have never known sadness like I feel right now. I can't believe that I will not hear his voice or feel his touch again. We were married for almost 32 years and I have known Chris for 34 years - since I was 16. What happens now? Ailsa

  • FormerMember
    Hi everyone

    Ailsa I am sure we will all have our wobbles! I have been ok the last couple of days, kept really busy. Had Paul`s mum and dad round earlier, his dad is going to help me tax the car as it was registered disabled last year for Paul and I am panicking about getting it taxed correctly at the end of the month and transferring it into my name. Crazy isn`t it, done all the mortgage, insurance etc and can`t tax the car!

    It`s my birthday tomorrow, not sure how that will be. First without him here, kids being great as usual and we`re going for a meal tomorrow night. 1st hurdle really!!

    Better get some sleep to be ready!!

    Night, Helen xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue and helen. Happy birthday Helen. I'm sure you will enjoy your meal with the children. It will be hard to celebrate without Paul but I know they would each want us to try to enjoy ourselves and remember past, fun birthdays. It is my birthday at the end of the month and I know that will be hard too.

    Chris's van failed it's MOT today but the problems have been fixed and it is booked in again tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed!

    I taxed Chris's van as disabled just a week before he died and then had to change it back. I had to go to a local DVLA office to change it back as Post Offices can only change it to disabled but not back again. I also had to change the insurance as even though I was a named driver on Chris's policy it was void once he died. I have done that and put my son on as a named driver. That put the cost up be nearly 4 times! It is a big van so I am hoping that Stuart decides he doesn't want to keep it after all and then I can sell it. I can drive it but I don't like to.

    I hope you manage to find your MOT certificate Sue.

    I don't think I feel any better yet but I have become used to feeling a bit down this week. I'm crying very easily and I think it is the realisation that this is how it is going to be. Tomorrow is the day Chris should have finished the chemo he was having to try to control the cancer. I think that is getting me down. I can remember marking each cycle out on a calendar and working out that we would not get to know whether it had worked until maybe July so even if it didn't work I would have him for the summer. I never bargained on him having to stop and then dying so fast. I think tomorrow is going to be a difficult day. I will try to pull myself together after tomorrow. Take care everyone. Ailsa x

  • FormerMember
    Hope you got through today Ailsa ((((((((((())))))))))))))

    I got through yesterday, got really spoilt xxx Had a lovely meal with son and daughter and even got a birthday cake!!! Like you say Paul would have still wanted me to celebrate xxx

    It`s today that`s got to me!!! Booked a week in Majorca this afternoon. Going with son and daughter in August. Mainly as I work term time only and am not loking forward to a long 6 weeks off but also to give us all something to look forward to. Well the tears started while I was in the shower, mixture of guilt for going, why we`re going, ie. Paul not here and scared/worried going on my own. I know I`m not on my own but how will I be without Paul?? Supposed to be excited about holidays aren`t you???? Mad emotions!!!!

    Helen xxxx
  • FormerMember
    Its your Birthday 9.6? My birthday is 9.7 I am going to be 40ty this year.
    Paul had a special surprise for me but we never get to that.
    I cant even think about my birthday. I just don't feel like to celebrate.
    Last year on my birthday my grandma died.
    I cant write now
    Take care to you all
  • FormerMember
    dear Ailsa and everyone
    guess whose MOT ran out on March 1st????????/ whoops..............
    !!!! Sue x
  • FormerMember
    Hi all

    Sounds like its been a rough few days for everyone. I hope you are all doing a bit better today.

    Just back from 3 days in London with a friend and guess what.......I didn't feel guilty not once I feel thats progress. Coming home was hard tho its like I managed to forget slightly for a short period of time. Miss Matt so much and trying to get back to remembering him how he was before February not when he was ill. Was looking at a necklace he gave me for my 30th in Jan we were both so positive and he had hunted high and low it has 3 diamonds in growing in size and signifying the past present and future (largest) how wrong could it have gone. Came home to more forms to complete. A pension one that I don't even understand so thats going to be interesting. Weird how we all have MOT issues at the moment Matt had a classic car which I refuse to drive that needs MOTing and has a flat battery I hate being all girlie and asking a man for help but looks like I'm going to have to.

    Going away again tomorrow its the way I seem to cope best. I know eventually I'm going to have to be at home and start work etc but till then I'm travelling round visiting friends.

    Bigs hugs to all of you I hope you have a nice weekend.

    Gin xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hello everyone. I didn't post yesterday because I was a mess and it wouldn't have come out well at all. I am feeling better today. It was entirely down to the fact that Chris should have been in for his final 5 day chemo cycle and yesterday was the day I should have brought him home. I realised yesterday that not only was I thinking about Chris constantly but I could only think about the very ill Chris that needed those chemo cycles to have any chance. It turned out to be no chance at all. By teatime yesterday I was a wreck and nothing was going to fix it except getting past yesterday.

    Good things happened yesterday as well - Chris's van passed it's MOT! My son, Stu, got a new job. He is not happy where he is and had been looking since before Chris died so I am very proud of him for getting the job. He was first choice as well! He has gone off to the Download Festival with friends to celebrate - think it is best if I don't see that!

    What a 'mare we are all having with MOT's. Ginny - I am just doing the girlie thing and getting a friends husband to take care of it. I'm good at a lot of things to compensate. It wouldn't do for me to be perfect would it?! Most men don't know much about cars either but they are not so inclined to get ripped off by garages so I figure that if I send a man to do it that's good.

    Sue - all I can say about your MOT is thank goodness you found out before you were stopped. I'm sure they would have gone easy on you though. I hope you either know about cars or know someone who does.

    I'm glad you had a good birthday Helen - gives me hope for mine in a couple of weeks. The holiday is exactly what you deserve. I have just booked for the kids and I to go away for a week - nowhere near as exotic as yours - we are going camping for a week at the bank holiday. We like camping and Chris asked us all to go together in 4 tents so we are.

    Libby you have a little bit of time to go yet until your birthday. I am sure Paul would have wanted you to celebrate it so maybe there is enough time for you to think about the best way to do it that won't upset you more than is inevitable. It will be hard but maybe you can work out how to make it less hard. I am not looking forward to mine but I realise that other people will want to make a fuss of me purely because Chris has died. I am sorry to hear your grandma died on your birthday last year but I hope you can try to do something nice this year for your 40th.

    The sun is out again here. I am going to have a nice bath and some tea and then meet my Mum & Dad for a pub quiz. Take care everyone. Ailsa x

  • FormerMember
    Had a bad night!!! Just got in from a night out and it`s been really hard!! On here now in tears, just want Paul to be here xxxx

    When do we ever get used to this?? Friends mean well but they don`t understand. I miss him so much and being out emphasises it so mch more.

    Bad night xxxx
  • FormerMember
    Hello Helen. I hope you are feeling a little better by now. I am dreading the first time I go on a night out. I am terrified that well meaning friends, worse for drink, will try to hard to make me feel better. I used to go out a lot before Chris was ill. Chris was a singer and worked the club and pub circuit. He sang every weekend so if I had a night out with work he would drop me off early on his way to a gig and pick me up on the way home. Then we would go for something to eat if I hadn't drunk too much. He had to stop singing in December 2007 when he was diagnosed as he needed a stoma operation. He always hoped to get back into it but it never happened. He always seemed very unconcerned about me going out but confessed when he was ill that he always knew he was picking me up so he knew I was safe and coming home with him. Now that that cannot be I don't think I will feel the same about it anymore. I also think that if I drink more than a couple of drinks I will be a crying wreck. I am going to put it off for as long as I can. I know that makes me a chicken but I am also having a problem with re-living what happened on the Friday night that Chris died. As most work nights out are on Fridays I think I am best off away from other people and definately not drunk. Chris died at 01:27am on Saturday morning. That is night club time so I don't think I should attempt going out with folk from work for a while until I get my head round Friday nights.
    I am so sorry that you were upset when you got home and I am sorry I have only answered you now. You were very brave to go so don't let it put you off now that you have tried. We owe it to our husbands and partners to carry on. Even if the first attempts are a bit of a disaster we need to go again. It is all part of figuring out what we do without them.
    Take care Helen. Ailsa x
  • FormerMember
    Thanks Ailsa xxxx

    Had a few more tears this morning, had father in law round doing few jobs and had a cry with him!! Really is a roller coaster isn`t it???

    Been busy in the garden today and son is now enjoying it having a bbq with friends, as long as they send me a burger in I don`t mind lol!!!

    Hard to explain but feel `safe` at home, but can`t hibernate for ever???

    Invited to a communion tomorrow but feel like I don`t really want to go but kids are quite keen so might have to give myself a push.

    Have a nice night everyone, I`ve opened a bottle of wine to go with my burger later hee hee

    Helen xxx