My husband died in my arms on the 2nd May (2009) - what happens now?

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My husband - Chris - died on the 2nd May 2009 because he had anal cancer. He knew he was going and we spoke about lots and lots of things before he died. That is why I am just not prepared for the huge amount of guilt I feel now. I feel guilty that the world hasn't stopped turning round even though he has died. I feel like everything should stop as a mark of respect. I also feel very guilty that he had to be so ill he had to die. What a cruel cruel thing it is to make someone so ill their body just stops working. I wasn't ready for him to go. I really really hope these are normal feelings because I must hang on to my sanity for the sake of my 3 children. I have never known sadness like I feel right now. I can't believe that I will not hear his voice or feel his touch again. We were married for almost 32 years and I have known Chris for 34 years - since I was 16. What happens now? Ailsa

  • FormerMember
    Me again, I was going to join just after Di died but I couldn't read any of the stories (no I can read) because of the tears in my eyes and just when I was going to join again my mum died. Anyway I wished I had joined earlier as it does help. So if anyone is reading this and thinking of joining, just join you won't regret it. You all take care now you hear.

    kev x
  • FormerMember

    Hi All,
    Hope you don't mind me posting on this site, i have been reading all the posts. I lost my husband on the 13th of Dec after being diagnosed with lung cancer in the May. I also lost my mum (not to cancer) on the 24th of July, and my mum in law (not to cancer) on the 15th of Sept so that was the three within six months how i have survived i do not know, i have a son and daughter and a great sister and brother in law and also some good friends. It does help on the mc millan site as you find out you are not alone and nobody really knows what it is like unless going through the same thing. Thinking of you all
    Take Care
    Fiona x

  • FormerMember
    dear fiona
    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) for the awful time you've been through.
    sue x
  • FormerMember
    Hello Fiona, you need a break, you are not alone as we are all with you. Group hug for you.

    Kev x
  • FormerMember
    Hi everyone

    Fiona this site has helped me so much xxxxx

    I lost my dad when I was 20 and my mum 4 years ago, both to cancer, obviously that hurt like mad but to lose a husband/partner is so different and so much harder. When my mum was ill I always had Paul to come home to and cuddle up to. That has gone now, just an empty bed.That special person just to be there for you is no more.

    This site is great in that respect, we know how it feels cause we`re going through it not just`imagining` how we`re feeling.

    Ailsa hope you had a lovely birthday xxxx

    I had a nice night at our local, had a few tears with friends but it wasn`t a problem. That`s what friends are for! Quiet day today I think, loads of ironing and then some gardening. The sun is out again

    Helen xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Everyone,
    Just like to thank eveyone who has posted back to me, means a lot to me. I have had another restless night (don't sleep very well.) Well another Sunday and wondering what to do with myself, it's so hard when you were use to your other half being here all the time to being on your own. Not very bright here this morning so can't even get into garden. Sure my daughter and my son will pop in at some point to see me don't know what i would have done without them. Luv and Hugs to you all.
    Fiona xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    Hi everyone, Ailsa, Helen, Susanmw and Fiona hope you are all okish, another weekend over where does the time go, not sure if this is the right thing to say but I'm glad the time goes quick "cause that means I'll be with Di sooner, I can hear Di saying "get those thoughts out of your head you silly so and so". I went to the cinema with my son today to see The Terminator, it was ok but the opening scene is a woman suffering from cancer with a bandana on attending to someone on death row, well what can I say to that!!! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

    Speak soon and you all take care of yourselves kev xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone - Helen, Sue, Kev, Marrsy_2000 and Fiona. I am very relieved to come on here this evening - I really do get a lot of comfort coming on here and speaking with people who know what we are all feeling. My birthday was okay but I am really just glad to have come through it. It was lovely to see my eldest daughter and grandson but I think I planned too many things for the weekend. I changed my hairstyle on Saturday morning at the hairdressers and then worried that Chris wouldn't have liked the change. I went out with my daughters and a few friends for lunch and a drink on Saturday afternoon. I had a BBQ in my garden on Sunday afternoon and I went to the cemetry to speak to Chris on my birthday but then again on Sunday as well to take Becky and Declan and their Father's day cards from last week. The last person left just after 10pm last night and I was absolutely exhausted. I have cried everytime I have been on my own today - I miss Chris so much. Now I have written it all down I can clearly see that I tried far too hard this weekend and got no rest whatsoever. There's my problem. Anyway - enough of that. Only I can put this right and I sound like a right misery guts.
    I'm glad you decided to join us Fiona. You have been through such a lot. I hope that we can be of some support. I think I had the opposite kind of Sunday to you but it didn't do me any good at all. Did your weather get any better yesterday? Our weather was poor yesterday morning but by the afternoon it was scorchio for my BBQ.
    I didn't know Terminator began like that Kev. Did your son enjoy the film? I haven't been to the cinema for a long long time. Because of where Chris's cancer was he couldn't have sat through a whole film so we took to watching a lot on DVD instead. We could have our own breaks that way.
    Your night out at your local sounds like it went okay Helen. Chris and I didn't go in our local very often which is probably why I didn't find it a great deal of comfort to go there last weekend. Chris was a singer so he often worked in other pubs and clubs at the weekend and we rarely went out locally. I loved going to watch him sing though so I don't mind. I think I will be fine next time I go as I know what to expect next time.
    I think my post is a bit all over the place so I will give it a rest for now. Take care everyone. Ailsa xx

  • FormerMember
    Hi everyone, cor maybe too many names to call out so when I say everyone that means everyone. Ailsa , Chris would love your hair no matter how you have it. Nothing wrong with crying and don't be afraid to let it out. When family members ask me "how are you?" I say "ok" and then when I'm on my own I cry. I feel a little better afterwards and maybe it's because I'm showing I still love her. You look after yourself Ailsa you must keep strong.

    As for the film it was ok ta.

    Love to you all Kev xx
  • FormerMember
    Wow Ailsa, no wonder you`ve cried today. You must be exhausted after that weekend(((())))) I am the same though, busy, busy!!!

    Kev I`m like you, say I`m ok then cry myself to sleep. Good to let it out though. Funny but since I`ve brought Paul`s ashes home I`ve dreamt about him a couple of times. Hadn`t really dreamt about him much xxx

    How is everyone else on this Monday evening?

    Daughter cooked tea for us tonight and son has gone on a date to the pictures! She seems like a nice girl x

    I am going to pay the rest of my mortgage off tomorrow. Good job done, Paul will be pleased. Bit left over too so that`s paying for our holiday and maybe towards a newer car. All seems wrong without Paul though. He would be telling me to do it though I know.

    Read on another thread someone saying they have suddenly got all this freedom and they don`t know what to do with it. Suppose I `m the same, got it but not sure what to do or if I want to do it??? Will we ever get used to it?

    Love to all

    Helen xxx