I wrote this to myself then thought it showed the feelings of most bereaved people, hope you do not mind if I share it

  • 132 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Why do I grieve, not for the past, because that was already past

I grieve for what we may have had together in the future

I grieve with racking sobs and immeasurable pain for the loss of him

I grieve because I know that this is not for today for it will last

beyond tomorrow, next week, next month and next year.

The overwhelming need to be with him, if only for a brief minute

frightens me, yet comforts me through my tears, because it means

That I have experienced the depth of love I did not believe existed

And for that I should remember to be grateful, but it still seems

As though there is no tomorrow for me any more, just today

To push myself through, for the sake of others and in memory of him

Not to sound self-pitying or boring others with my pain, so I paint on my face

And I face the world, but inside I feel nothing but emptiness and grief,

and with that word again, I grieve, and I scream to the sky, I want him back

The world is silent, the world we knew is no more, and I feel cast away

on a sea of loneliness, where there is no laughter, nor even fights, just silence

The silence made of grieving and loss. 

Whilst others quite rightly gather back their lives and hold their loved ones even closer 

I want him home, I want him back, I want to be with him

But in his name and for his memory’s sake I must go on, into a future alone

No one can help me, not family nor friends, for this is one battle I must face

To waken each day, look at the same spot on the ceiling and get on with trying to live

Without him.

  • The most  true poem Heart thank you Diamondsgirl HuggingHeart eyes

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Just gone on to web site as suggested by Macmillan angel because I felt a bit low, and found this amazing poem. It just says it all. May lovely husband died last December and I have printed it for myself and a friend who is also grieving having lost her husband in March during lockdown.Thank you Diamondsgirl. You have a gift xx

  • It is the most amazing poem isn't it?  I keep bumping it up because I think it speaks to us bereavers Heart eyes Diamondsgirl did a good job there Heart

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi AliG55 been missing you on the forum here's a hug for you Hugging I realise it's coming up a year since you lost Mark. 

    Did the St Johns Wort do anything for you? 


    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi BootsyD,

    That is so thoughtful of you thinking of me and remembering. It is a year on Saturday since I lost Mark....how on earth I've survived a year I do not know but I have. Last month I lost my Stepmum which was hard and my Dad lives so far away I have been worried about him. Today I had to have my little dog put to sleep, she has been my  companion for the last year, literally dragging me out of bed some days and also taking Mark's space in that bed! So a s**t year all round really.

    How are you doing? I was thinking about you all this week and intended to go on and see how everyone is doing, Alison, Martin, Lizzie and mcc.

    I keep in touch with Sheilaj on WhatsApp as she couldn't get on with the new site. I think the changes put a lot of people off but I expect you've all got used to it now.

    Anyway goodnight and thank you xx

  • 2020 has been a pure barsteward!!! You've had a lot of crap this year AliG55  Sparkling heart there would seem to be little groups that emerge in clusters of dates and events etc and I  for 1 miss the regulars of the 'day'  so to speak.  I hope you will be ok this weekend Ali Heartremember the good times with love xxx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • FormerMember

    Thankyou for that.  My feelings exactly.  As someone else said, so hard to put feelings of overwhelming grief into words but you have done that. Xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    The most beautiful and accurate poem. Exactly how I feel just 10 weeks into my grief...


  • This is so how I feel and have done every day since I lost the love of my life back in October 2020. Lovely lovely words. Thank you for sharing


  • FormerMember

    My goodness, how accurate and true, so much so I could have written it myself.  Thank you xx

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