I wrote this to myself then thought it showed the feelings of most bereaved people, hope you do not mind if I share it

  • 132 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Why do I grieve, not for the past, because that was already past

I grieve for what we may have had together in the future

I grieve with racking sobs and immeasurable pain for the loss of him

I grieve because I know that this is not for today for it will last

beyond tomorrow, next week, next month and next year.

The overwhelming need to be with him, if only for a brief minute

frightens me, yet comforts me through my tears, because it means

That I have experienced the depth of love I did not believe existed

And for that I should remember to be grateful, but it still seems

As though there is no tomorrow for me any more, just today

To push myself through, for the sake of others and in memory of him

Not to sound self-pitying or boring others with my pain, so I paint on my face

And I face the world, but inside I feel nothing but emptiness and grief,

and with that word again, I grieve, and I scream to the sky, I want him back

The world is silent, the world we knew is no more, and I feel cast away

on a sea of loneliness, where there is no laughter, nor even fights, just silence

The silence made of grieving and loss. 

Whilst others quite rightly gather back their lives and hold their loved ones even closer 

I want him home, I want him back, I want to be with him

But in his name and for his memory’s sake I must go on, into a future alone

No one can help me, not family nor friends, for this is one battle I must face

To waken each day, look at the same spot on the ceiling and get on with trying to live

Without him.

  • FormerMember

    Words that resonate so utterly and completely :bows:.  Take that verse, transpose the genders and it could be something woven from my own hearts pain.

    Thank you for putting into such potent lines that sense of loss that so tears at us all each day.


  • FormerMember
    Diamondsgirl How amazingly you have described your lose and what your husband meant to you. Although life is tough right now you mention the words future and trying to live. These words are very positive and will help you so will,the love of your husband who will live in your heart forever. I to wrote a poem which I read out at Mikes celebration with a similar thread the love we have for our loved ones and the great lose we feel. But I feel there is hope now where as a few months ago none. To all us MacWarriors a tomorrow albeit a different one than we had planned with our loved ones in our hearts. Sally x
  • FormerMember

    Incredible words, I would say echoed by many if not all on this Forum.  Sad words too, but with a great big element of hope for the future.  Thank you for sharing x



  • FormerMember

    So poignant, it expresses everything I feel but couldn't put into words.

    Thank you so much for sharing.

    Shirley x

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou for these beautiful words, made me tearful reading them. 

  • FormerMember
    Wow, I feel every word of that. Wendy x
  • FormerMember

    Just beautiful. What a special piece to have written. I can relate to each and every word.

    Keep writing.

    Thanks so much for letting us share it.



  • How I wish I saw those words as positive as you do 987, but for me they represent nothing but despair, not hope.  I have no wish to live this life, which is a lie, but I have to, not want to, for his memory and respecting what would be his wishes about his children and grandchildren.  For me there is no joy, no hope, just one day after another.  I pray it gets better, but I am not confident that it will.

    Fight for the rarer cancers, go to www.sarcoma.org.uk to make a difference

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to diamondsgirl
    Diamondsgirl. I dont know how far along you are but pray that you will one day have a little hope in your life. Be strong and hang in there, we are here to listen when you need it. Sally x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to diamondsgirl

    Diamond girl what a beautiful but heartbreaking poem. My tears are flowing because you have written my feelings down so well! Thanks for sharing. Yes I adore my kids and grandkids but right now they represent everything J so wanted to be around to share, so everything they are and do hurts more than brings joy. Guess we have to reformat our emotional receptors somehow.

    We will bide our time here patiently and hopefully in that time, we will find our new place in the scheme of things and joy and peace will flow from there.

    Take care,a

    Em xxx