I wrote this to myself then thought it showed the feelings of most bereaved people, hope you do not mind if I share it

  • 132 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Why do I grieve, not for the past, because that was already past

I grieve for what we may have had together in the future

I grieve with racking sobs and immeasurable pain for the loss of him

I grieve because I know that this is not for today for it will last

beyond tomorrow, next week, next month and next year.

The overwhelming need to be with him, if only for a brief minute

frightens me, yet comforts me through my tears, because it means

That I have experienced the depth of love I did not believe existed

And for that I should remember to be grateful, but it still seems

As though there is no tomorrow for me any more, just today

To push myself through, for the sake of others and in memory of him

Not to sound self-pitying or boring others with my pain, so I paint on my face

And I face the world, but inside I feel nothing but emptiness and grief,

and with that word again, I grieve, and I scream to the sky, I want him back

The world is silent, the world we knew is no more, and I feel cast away

on a sea of loneliness, where there is no laughter, nor even fights, just silence

The silence made of grieving and loss. 

Whilst others quite rightly gather back their lives and hold their loved ones even closer 

I want him home, I want him back, I want to be with him

But in his name and for his memory’s sake I must go on, into a future alone

No one can help me, not family nor friends, for this is one battle I must face

To waken each day, look at the same spot on the ceiling and get on with trying to live

Without him.

  • WOW!! I'm so glad you're still on the site!! That answers my question about how long people keep popping in!!

    Every1 has a back-story, many have shared theirs here knowing they aren't going to be judged by anybody. I know I have a long way to go (almost 22 weeks so far). I visit Colin everyday at the cemetery, talk to his photos that are all over the house and give him a telling off for leaving me here without him! 

    Thanks for your good wishes, its great to hear you are a confident and independent lady xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • I have to be honest, I only came back onto the site because of your initial reply, but I am so happy what I wrote back then has helped you in a small way.
    I used to do exactly what you are doing now, and am embarrassed to say I haven't been to the cemetery since lockdown.  I meant to go, then things just got in the way, and it doesn't seem so important any more.  
    I still talk to Derek's photos, tell him about any problems the kids have or I am having, but there is no longer the overriding urge to speak to or 'find' him.  As I said, he has taken his place beside me, and we move forward side by side, not with his vision right in front of me blurring what is ahead.
    I wish I were more confident, but people say I am, so maybe the old habits die hard.
    Just have faith in yourself, and be assured you will never stop missing him, just that it will get less painful and heart rending.  Good luck xx

    Fight for the rarer cancers, go to www.sarcoma.org.uk to make a difference

  • Diamondsgirl,

    thank you so much for taking the time to reply to us. It is truly comforting to know that there is still a life for us out there, albeit not the one we wanted. I don't think about the future much as it is scary thinking I'll be going through it alone when we had so many plans, so I just plod along day by day. It is great to hear that you have a happy fulfilled life and hopefully one day we will too.

    Ali x

  • That's exactly how I feel. Thanks for sharing this with us. 

  • FormerMember

    My husband died a month ago and this poem mirrors my feelings exactly, the rawness, hopelessness. The world carries on without you and the one thing that you want is impossible. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I am sat here with tears streaming down my face.I lost my husband last December after an 8 month fight with a brain tumour. Its as though you have gotten into my mind and heart it would have been our 25th wedding anniversary on the 21st of this month and I am struggling. Thank you for a true poem x

  • FormerMember

    I can relate , my first post since losing my brave husband to cancer on 1 st may this year , I feel lost and wonder where and how I fit in to the world now , he was my rock he kept me grounded I dnt know where to start . 

  • This poem is so amazing!! 

    I lost my Prince 5 April so I am about a month ahead of you CearaAustin1 and I totally understand you saying you feel lost amd wonder where you fit in. Just take 1 day at a time and take everything at your pace.  You do fit but you might have to wiggle it a little bit to find where. Any1 in this group will help and support you as invisible friends who are at different stages of grief and will share their experiences- good and bad knowing they're not the only one going through this sh^^ty time

     Be kind to yourself xx

    Tomorrow is another day
  • I found this from Nicnac over 7 years ago - I must have been stumbling around the new site - but is really shouted to me about the mixed feelings - no wonder friends or family cant get it right.......

    Hold me close and go away.

    Please visit me and please don’t stay

    Talk to me but please don’t speak

    I need you NOW – come back next week

    Emotions muddled, needs unknown

    To be with others or on my own?

    To scream out loud? To rant and shout?

    Or hide away and push you out?

    I smile at you – "she`s not that bad"

    I shout at you – "she`s going mad"

    I speak to you – "what do I say?"

    I show my tears – "quick, walk away"

    Its not catching, the grief I feel

    I cant pretend that its not real

    I carry on as best I know

    But this pain inside just wont go

    So, true friends, please, accept the lot

    I shout, I cry, I lose the plot

    I don’t know what I need today

    So hold me close and go away.

  • Another good one to explain our feelings. x

    Tomorrow is another day