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Why bother? Why get out of bed? Why? For what? What’s the long term goal? Why? At 4.20 I’m asking an empty house “why” as I hold back tears Why? This is it now. A rut of routine and beyond that nothing. If not for the dogs, if not for work, if not needing to take a shit I’d not move. Why shower? Why change clothes, why breath...why? There is no answer beyond why....... I am so lonely and empty. Family can’t fill the void as they have lifes I nearly said too. But I have no life it was stolen from me by that evil curse, cancer. Retirement is pointless, work is pointless. I’m just alone living a lone existence, and screaming in my head why

  • Why has the the one bottom left got my attention ?

  • You'd have to tell me why..... but she'd be pleased as she sees herself as the boss. 

  • I don't know what it is she just looks very intelligent I have spaniels too.

  • Oh god please don't ever tell her she's intelligent!  She's actully a mix, not sure what but wife claimed spaniel-labrador as she's very very heavy for her size.  The other three where or are spaniels. I also had a blinded dalmatian.  Never was there a more trusting dog. 

  • What is her name by the way.

  • Maisey or as i call her "snotty cow". 

    I've just had the money from my wifes bank account transfered into mine. It was a shock to see it in black and white. More official confirmation she's gone forever Cry

  • To the outside world it is what it is just another formality and confirmation of your new circumstances but not easy having your partner measured in monetary terms thats how I felt regarding our finances.

  • It's a symbol life moves on, while I stand still. Today won't be a good day, but life goes on and I have to pretend to move with it.


  • Just an update,I have no religion especially after what iv been through there is no god possibly a devil,but iv got a job working for the NHS,iv had a few jobs lately and iv just walked out or for some reason its not worked out strange how iv ended up with the job I wanted perhaps there is a plan out there for us,probably down to me though no divine intervention just my grief giving me some gumption.

  • Evening Jayne

    It’s weird because I was born into a religious family. Dad used to go to church twice on Sundays, and midweek. Saturdays he would stand in the town centre and preach. Then he got dementia and his church/god abandoned him. He died of a stroke and no one from his church sent a single flower or asked to attend his funeral.

    Next mum was lost to altximers and is in a secure home, ignored by her church of many years.

    Finally my beautiful wife developed breast cancer and as with my parents, the only sign from this all caring, all knowing god was silence. He watched as she died and did nothing. For all powerful being he has a sick sense of humour.

    Now I get the idiots telling me to pray, to trust in god, or they will pray for me. I get so angry at these bible idiots. If there damned god has doing nothing to date, he sure isn’t going to step in no.

    So no, I don’t do religion either.