Melt down

  • 25 replies
  • 28 subscribers

I had a complete meltdown this afternoon and just sobbed and sobbed. My darling Husband has been gone 6 weeks and I miss him everyday and today I missed his physical presence even more, so much it just took my breath away....I just wanted to be with him....thankfully my daughter was at the end of the phone and just listened to me sobbing, but just knowing someone was there, brought me back in the room again, so to speak! 

His funeral was 10 days ago and although I've had my moments, the arranging of it all gave me a focus, now I don't have that. 

I just wanted to unload how I'm feeling today and that my heart goes out to all of you suffering similar experiences.

  • Hello faithful I live in DL3 postcode and joined Way Up. I've onl been to 1 Sunday lunch meet but there seems plenty coffee meet ups at the metro centre and Newcastle.  All members are or have been bereaved so all understand.  

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thankyou  bootsy unfortunately  too far away ive found on e a bit closer i will try there is always more going on Newcastle  way.Glad you have found somewhere it is a lonely excistance  xxx

  • I'll call it an experience Slight smileI don't know what I'm 'looking for' but I read their forum/chat pages but to be honest don't respond a lot. 


    Tomorrow is another day
  • BootsyD,,

    I'll look into the Newcastle set up as well. Bizarrely, I'm DL3 too!

    Take care,


  • You're so close you could've cut my grass if I hadn't just done it!!! Smileyunfortunately it looks like a bad haircut but at least it's done! ThumbsupSun with face

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi

    I have send a friendship request



  • Hello all

    My name is Steph and I’m part of the Community team. I am so sorry for your losses and for the grief you're going through. I hope you find it helpful to be able to share your feelings and support one another here on the Community.

    I hope you don’t mind me posting here today. I wanted to share some information which might be helpful for anyone looking for further bereavement support.

    Ataloss help bereaved people find support and wellbeing. In addition to listing national organisations, they also have details of local face-to- face groups.

    Cruse Bereavement also offer local support in addition to a national helpline.

    Cruse Scotland is available in Scotland.

    Marie Curie provide a bereavement support service over the phone.

    Sue Ryder offers online bereavement support

    I hope this helps you find the support that you’re looking for. If you still need help finding the right support, or just want to talk to someone, we’d encourage you to give our Support Line a call. Our Support Line teams are available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00email or live webchat.

    Please do let us know if you have any questions or need further support with anything at all.

    I hope the Community shows you that no one needs to go through anything alone.

    Kindest Regards,

    Online Community Officer
  • Hi chillichilli.thanks i accept xx.

  • Hi Steph  and thankyou  for all this information its early days for me and just trying to get through a day at a time. The lonliness  is the worst thing  right now and you can be with lots of people but youl always long for that person who you can never have death is so cruel and final and all I want is to know hes ok and I will be with him again but I guess il never and support to all of you on this sad sad journey xxx

  • Its only 7 days for me and the pain is unbearable. I feel so lost and just cannot imagine the rest of my life with her not in it. I just want to stop crying. x