Melt down

  • 25 replies
  • 28 subscribers

I had a complete meltdown this afternoon and just sobbed and sobbed. My darling Husband has been gone 6 weeks and I miss him everyday and today I missed his physical presence even more, so much it just took my breath away....I just wanted to be with him....thankfully my daughter was at the end of the phone and just listened to me sobbing, but just knowing someone was there, brought me back in the room again, so to speak! 

His funeral was 10 days ago and although I've had my moments, the arranging of it all gave me a focus, now I don't have that. 

I just wanted to unload how I'm feeling today and that my heart goes out to all of you suffering similar experiences.

  • Hi sorry for your loss Only 7 days I know how it feels its 4 weeks for me and I struggle everyday carnt make sense of anything anymore .This group  are my only sauce of support and im gratefull for you all be kind to yourself and live an hour and a day at a time looking beyond that is too painfull  xx

  • I sometimes dont know how I will get through this x

  • Hi Crystalwitch.and all on this journey its so raw isnt it we will get through  this it takes time be kind to yourself  live one day at a time take comfort in your family friends pets whoever you may have and above all.this support group we all know just how each other feel and are there xx

  • I am 62, I lost my partner of 32 years a week ago. I have never struggled in my own company for which I am grateful, I think it comes from being an only child, but I just miss her presence so badly it almost takes my breath away at times. I am trying not to look too far ahead, but its hard not to keep thinking of all the years ahead that she will not be with me. I don't feel lonely, but I feel so alone. I am in yorkshire and have also been looking for support groups/counselling, its difficult isnt it? Thinking of you too, although I would not wish this on anyone, it does help knowing others know how I am feeling. xx

  • Hi Crystalwitch im 71 and think I need councilling  more than anything we are in very early days and all the feelings we are going through  are normal . I've been in touch with age concern  they were helpfull im not working which makes it lonlier I guess .Do you have family and friends around you x.