Melt down

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  • 28 subscribers

I had a complete meltdown this afternoon and just sobbed and sobbed. My darling Husband has been gone 6 weeks and I miss him everyday and today I missed his physical presence even more, so much it just took my breath away....I just wanted to be with him....thankfully my daughter was at the end of the phone and just listened to me sobbing, but just knowing someone was there, brought me back in the room again, so to speak! 

His funeral was 10 days ago and although I've had my moments, the arranging of it all gave me a focus, now I don't have that. 

I just wanted to unload how I'm feeling today and that my heart goes out to all of you suffering similar experiences.

  • Stace#4,

    You're at what I felt was the worst phase of them all. Up until the funeral I felt quite calm. Then, when left on my own, I just fell apart. 

    We all will have had our 'meltdown' and indeed I've had many in the first year. Somehow we just keep going. Goodness only knows where my last year has gone.

    We all can only take each day and moment at a time.

    Take care,


  • So sorry for your loss .I lost my partner 18 days ago and my heart breaks every day just longing to be with him again .its unbearable. Its so lonely sending you a hug xxx

  • My heart goes out to you it's all so raw isn't it.....thank you for replying, it does help in some small way to share with people who really do get how your feeling! I looked at my husbands photo this morning, as I do everyday and could almost hear him saying 'you're a strong woman, you can do this! Gave me a bit of comfort....hope you can find your strength too....hugs to you xx

  • Thank you ....I'm sorry for your loss and you're right I had felt quite calm til then, just so final.....take care

  • Just to say the same as everyone has said in reply to your very sad loss. I am so sorry for you.

    Take it slowly and gently.Don't rush. It all takes time to process and you will be feeling numb. I was on automatic pilot, I think, leading up to the funeral. No time then for tears and was strangely calm. Now coming up for a year, and things have changed forever. I am not the same person at all. I am alone here but without the comfort of my little cat Missy, I think I would have sunk. Bit by bit I have managed. You will too.

    Keep posting, it is absolutely necessary!!!


    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Thank you...I would be completely lost with my beautiful Jazzy, my labrador angel in disguise...she keeps me going x

  • Hi Stace and every one on this sad journey .Only 3 weeks for me and each day gets lonlier the days are so long I carnt possible fill them .Im 71.would like to join a berevment group face to face but I'm in the North East of England  .im struggling  to find anything only on Facebook which isn't the same . Am just looking for signs from him that he's in a good place and ok thinking of you all xxx

  • Thank you and so sorry for your loss too!.....I'm not religious, but am sure I had sign as it felt so real and made me feel calm and I try and remember that when I have a down day... Hope you get your sign soon lovely xx

  • Thanks Stace...So glad you got a sign must be so comforting hopefully I will Just carnt beleve this would be all there is tbh xxx

  • I can someone be there one minute and not the next! kind to yourself x