What Were They Really Thinking and Feeling?

  • 103 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Oh my. We and I could drive ourselves mad with all the thoughts that go through our minds!

My latest, all of a sudden, is what was my wife really thinking and feeling throughout what ended up being the last twelve months?

The positivity of treatment and then it not quite working. The endless tiredness and pain when even going for the shortest of walks. The eating almost nothing whilst trying to continue. The continued attempt to keep ME positive about what 'we' were going through! It just makes me wonder what was she keeping from me!? 

Anyone else have these thoughts?


  • Sorry if my message was a bit blunt last night,i just wondered how you were all doing,miss your company when you all go quiet,we obviously cant move on we move forward,im bowing out for a while from posting its just adding to my stress take care catch up with you all later x

  • You never need to apologise on here. This is a safe place where we can all say exactly how we feel without judgment. 

    Take care x 

  • Hello everyone on this thread,

    I have been away from the forum a few weeks and have been reading this thread in tears.

    I just wanted you to know everyone one of you, I am here and I am reading and feeling everything you feel.

    Your words are mine if only I had the words.

    I am 22 months on and feel no better today. But I do have better days.

    So many things you have said resonate with me, the house, do I move? Just recovered from covid, alone and unwell not a good combination,  I have no children, still working a little but not got my heart for it any more, just had holiday with 2 friends lovely but alone again, the what ifs, the guilt, the why didn't I do, say ask? What was he thinking?

    The weather, dark, wet, cold, the thought of the winter months is so depressing.

    Aged 55 and feel like I just existing, I do have some better days and glimmer of hope that I am doing ok, but reaching that 2 year mark.

    Thank you everyone on here and keep going whatever that may mean. Our loved ones would be proud.


  • Hi Donna, everything you have said is the same for me.  21 months in and I've done a lot, had awful days and better days.  I went through Covid alone a couple of months ago.  Nobody to make cups of tea and be there.  I went away again in October and it was awful.  The dog was poorly while I was away so I cut it short.  I felt so guilty about going away that I'm not going to leave him again, it's just too stressful.

    At the moment I think I'm properly depressed.  I'm back to spending a lot of time in bed reading and have no energy or interest in life even though I have a very long to do list.  It's so overwhelming.

    One day at a time I guess and hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    Best wishes to you all x

  • I had a very unpleasant negative response recently to a message,so I don't feel able to participate anymore sad because this site was a gateway for my grief,I'll find my way without having to worry about offending anyone I don't need that,you will all be ok but it's going take longer than any of is had anticipated I'll keep checking how everyone is,your part of my journey xx

  • Having a health scare myself now,unbelievable so a rubbish Christmas for me waiting for a scan,where did it all go wrong x

  • Hi Jayne keep posting. We are all here for you.  Don't bother about the negative posting as grief can causes heightened responses. What's most important is to come here, whenever you feel like it and find friends and support. We are all in the same boat with you. lots of love xxx

  • Hi Jayne64

    yes keep posting

    we are all grieving and it’s so rubbish

    hope you quickly get your scan

    you and me both

    where did iy all go wrong …. For all of us on here

    Take Care 


  • Good morning 

    I hope you are ok, as ok as you can, sorry to hear you had a negative response, I do hope nothing I have wrote upsets you. I don't always think straight. But truely know how crap this all is.

    I getting to my 2 year anniversary and the there are days I don't feel it getting any easier, I go through the motions, do what I need, but Robs death as left me with an empty life, I don't like. But I try each day.

    Everyone take care, I hate this time of year, but I will get through it.



  • I’m sorry to hear that but please don’t let one persons comments put  you off this group. Keep talking - we’re here for you (although I’m sorry I’m a little late saying this- I’ve been in bed with flu so not been on for a while) 

    Take care