Being lonely

  • 41 replies
  • 32 subscribers

I wondered if I could talk about being lonely. I'm sure it's been brought up a million times before and I don’t expect a response, I just wanted to get it out of my head so I can go to sleep! This morning was really hard, I don’t know why, I never do and it frustrates me when it suddenly hits me out of left field. I took a walk after lunch before the boys got back from school and wondered about being lonely most of the way.  

Beth and I were very fortunate, we had/have the most wonderful friendship group, we would all honestly do anything for each other. We’ve all had our own struggles over the years and loosing Beth hasn’t been easy for anyone. Last weekend Gav knocked on the door just to check up on me because he instinctively knew I was feeling low, he gave me a whole bag of craft beers to cheer me up, and it did. It’s good to know people care.  

The thing is even though I’m surrounded by wonderful friends, family (not physically at the moment) and I have two absolutely wonderful boys I still feel lonely, very lonely.  I wondered why this might be and it kind of struck me.  It’s the little things that I see, hear and even smell. I now have nobody share them with. It’s the fox I saw by the side of the road,  the deer in the field, the little flowers starting to grow, the bunnies running across the path as I walked, the smell of pollen in the air.  These are the sort of things I would have told Beth about, because she cared and she was interested. But now these little things seem lost, they stop at me and whilst the boys will listen, it’s a different connection. I miss the little jokes we had, the little sayings we had, I miss getting her a glass of wine on a night and it being topped up magically when she popped to the loo.  It’s all the little things! 

I’m surrounded by friends and family, but the only person I ever needed to share things with, who ever really got it, who made me not lonely isn’t here. For me, being lonely isn’t about being with people, it’s about being able to share the little things that are important to you with someone who really cares, and I/we don't have that anymore.

  • The phrase ‘fallen out of the world’ certainly sums up how I feel. Nicely put!



  • FormerMember

    You all put it so well xx

    Yesterday and today, I am mostly starting to enjoy being apart from people. I am going to have to fight it, because I am sure that sometime in the future I will want to rejoin whatever society is left, and don't want to cut everyone off. 

    It's tough at the moment, though - I looked into the mirror this morning and the Grinch looked back!

    Sue xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Sarah 21

    Hi Julie 

    I can totally relate to what you’re saying. I’m dreading the end of lockdown. I’m grateful for having my son with me. We talk about my husband his dad all the time. When I go to bed I’m alone. 

  • Your phrase “fallen out of this world” is so apt. I used the phrase “outside everyone”. I lost my husband 7 weeks ago. Being on my own in lockdown is so hard. I miss my companion of 40 years. I am finding this so hard.

  • Hi Tivvy 

    It IS hard. We on here all feel your pain because we’re all ‘in it’. Doesn’t take our pain away but it helps to be in this fold.

    I’m 4 weeks on this coming Sunday and ever day is incredibly difficult. 

    Lockdown makes everything worse. A lot on here actually are glad of lockdown and I get that too. I have no want or desire for shops, restaurants and pubs etc to reopen as I don’t want to go anywhere!!  But I would like some sense of the new normal to begin for the world at large because it doesn’t help. 

    Wish there were magic words, we know there isn’t. We are all here though, people read a lot of posts and don’t reply and that’s perfectly ok. Use the site however best for you, but know you’re not alone. 

    Sending much needed strength to all. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Tivvy

    Tivvy, MP has summed it up perfectly. We’re all here with you. Sending you peaceful thoughts, Eryn x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MyPineapple

    MP, you are a star x

  • Thank you. I have been doing my best to keep busy, but I do have to stop to rest a back injury. Not a good day today. At the end of the day it is just me and the walls. Xx

  • Hello Tivvy

    It is unbearably hard. It’s just over 5 months since I lost my husband of 44 years. This supportive group has become such an important part of my life because people on here really understand. Just reading messages can help, even if you don’t feel the need to respond every time.

    Lockdown is a real mixed blessing- not the right word, I know- I feel I can just about cope with seeing one friend for a socially distanced stroll. But coming home to an empty house, eating alone and no one being there for all those little things is horrid. I certainly have no desire to go out but I’d love a hug from some of my closest friends! But I’ll still be coming home to that empty house, and no one asking me about my time out. Part of me, and quite a big part on a bad day, feels as if the return to ‘normal’ is going to be like the early days of loss all over again, when life felt like a fog. I guess only time will tell.

    Theres definitely no magic words but as others have said, this is a group of people who are here, who get what you’re going through.

    Sending virtual hugs

