Message from MyPineapple

  • 45 replies
  • 32 subscribers

Hello Everyone

I wanted to message all those who have replied to any of my posts so far as a sort of ‘group’ but this site doesn’t seem to have that option so I just addressed a new thread to hope this reaches you all.

That does not mean it is ONLY for that group it’s everyone so if you’ve never heard of MyPineapple and you’re reading this for the first time...Hello, happy to know you!

Firstly, like all people who join this site we get told not to use our names, or anything that might be like our names!! Flushed odd but we comply. That’s why I’m “MyPineapple”

Despite its oddness it does mean a lot to me. The first picture of Dave I saw when I walked into my sisters after she collected me from the hospice after he died was his cheeky face wearing a wee-willy winky night cap encased in a gold Pineapple frame!!! So so apt! So David. Dave loved his smart suits for work and looked a million dollars in them but this Pineapple picture captures the true Dave!!! So cheeky and full of laughter.

He loved buying daft silly gifts at Christmas and would come home with his bounty going through the stuff he’d bought... a Nuns calendar for my sister, a fox in a glass box for my Mum Flushedthis Pineapple frame for my niece! However I said “you know Dave, I actually like that frame!” ...”oh” he said... “I’ll have to do something about that!” hence adding the pic of himself!! Joy

I brought that frame home with me and was staring at it as I logged onto here for the first time.

So that’s what’s behind my user name and I like it but I also love, has someone just said, how we all seem to be signing off with our real names more now so...

Hi, I’m Allison xxx

  • Hi Allison, Jane, Melanie, Sandra, Kate and everyone of you great people who often post on this unique site.

    I don’t post many messages on the site as my wife only passed away on Valentine’s Day after nearly 40 years of being together. But your kind words of support and honest assessments and true feelings of how you’re all coping with grief helps me and so many others that are in a very similar position to cope with our grief too.

    As I’ve said before we all share a common bond that we grieve for our partners and we all wish we had them back with us but that isn’t the case and I know that I find solace knowing that there others feeling bereft as I do, and its you really lovely people that help me get through some of the most difficult times and as you know there really are some difficult times.

    I wish that my beloved wife was still here with me and the hardest thing for me now is knowing that I’ll never see her beautiful face again or tell her that I love her as took those things for granted when she was alive. 

    I do hope we all find peace one day and that would be my one and only wish for us all.

    Ian x

  • Sending hugs, Ian. Take care



  • A beautiful message Ian. I wish that for us all too. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Allison, Jane, Mel, Sandra, Kate, Donna, James, Carl, Amanda and Ian ! I will probably stand more chance of remembering your usernames than your real ones x I'm Sue but the name Dorothy Oz came about because I was spaced out and in another reality when I first found this site. Everything was so surreal (still is, really).Also, being another person let me be a bit more free with what I wrote - we tell each other the whole truth here, without fear of judgement or pitying looks. I am slowly emerging from the shock of being left behind and I must say that everyone's discussions here have been really helpful in easing the loneliness. Although I live alone, there are plenty of people about, but I am still lonely - you all will understand that. Anyway, thanks you lovely people.xx

  • Hi dorothyoz/sue 

    The main thing I found with this group is when everyone around you have moved on with there lives and you are not ready this is the place I can come and everyone here understands it takes longer than a few weeks months or even years to come to terms that you have lost the love of your life and are happy to let you just ramble on when you need to 

    Kate xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kate 41

    Exactly! I am fortunate that my two children are not ever expecting me to get over it, and it has brought us all closer. Andy was their stepfather and they really loved him. They really love their own dad, too, but after having lived with us since they were 10 and 13 until they were in their 20's they could really see why Andy and I were together. We always told them that Andy wasn't trying to be their dad, as they already had a perfectly wonderful one. They began to call him Andyman, and MyAndy. His own family are stepping back a bit now, and I think I am a reminder to them that he isn't with us anymore. Ramble over ! xxxx 

  • Hi Sue

    I couldn't agree more. I live alone but also have plenty of people I can call on but I am still so very lonely.

    I lived alone before David but BY choice. I realised after a long relationship that was bad for me and we never lived together anyway that I didn't want to live alone so I went online and found not only a companion but the love of my life! Everyone said how right we were together and how remarkable it was we 'found' each other on a dating website!! It makes it all the harder. I got so incredibly lucky... then so incredibly unlucky! 

    I always said to Dave I must go first because I knew the horrendous pain I'd feel on this planet without him. Yet as someone on here said the other day, the thought of Dave here instead of me in this pain I wouldn't want either!! 

  • Dear Kate, 

    How well put. I’ve done a lot of rambling on here and am always moved by the responses that show someone out there understands how I feel and has words of comfort that are more than platitudes.

    I’m blessed with lots of support from friends, my sons, my daughter in law and my stepmum but I’m still so unbearably lonely without Chris here for me.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kenickiesmum

    Well I was going to start my reply by trying to name everyone but literally couldn’t keep up so I’ll just say hi Raising hand‍♀️ 

    I’m Julie. My online name comes from the road we once lived in together when we bought our first house together and my shortened name (my hubby only ever called me Joo, as do my family, even on cards it always says that).

    This group felt like it was going quiet for a while but suddenly seems to have picked up again with all your wonderful posts, and for that I will always be truly grateful.

    I live in Kent by the way. If we’re not supposed to reveal stuff like that then oops, such a rebel .....

    Julie xx

  • I love Rebels. Had a dog called rebel when I was wee. I’m so grateful to you all I really am. I’m drowning but this support with you all so understanding means so much. X