Message from MyPineapple

  • 45 replies
  • 32 subscribers

Hello Everyone

I wanted to message all those who have replied to any of my posts so far as a sort of ‘group’ but this site doesn’t seem to have that option so I just addressed a new thread to hope this reaches you all.

That does not mean it is ONLY for that group it’s everyone so if you’ve never heard of MyPineapple and you’re reading this for the first time...Hello, happy to know you!

Firstly, like all people who join this site we get told not to use our names, or anything that might be like our names!! Flushed odd but we comply. That’s why I’m “MyPineapple”

Despite its oddness it does mean a lot to me. The first picture of Dave I saw when I walked into my sisters after she collected me from the hospice after he died was his cheeky face wearing a wee-willy winky night cap encased in a gold Pineapple frame!!! So so apt! So David. Dave loved his smart suits for work and looked a million dollars in them but this Pineapple picture captures the true Dave!!! So cheeky and full of laughter.

He loved buying daft silly gifts at Christmas and would come home with his bounty going through the stuff he’d bought... a Nuns calendar for my sister, a fox in a glass box for my Mum Flushedthis Pineapple frame for my niece! However I said “you know Dave, I actually like that frame!” ...”oh” he said... “I’ll have to do something about that!” hence adding the pic of himself!! Joy

I brought that frame home with me and was staring at it as I logged onto here for the first time.

So that’s what’s behind my user name and I like it but I also love, has someone just said, how we all seem to be signing off with our real names more now so...

Hi, I’m Allison xxx

  • Hi Mypineapple,

    I can understand that today was hard. I am going to read your message later. I went to your profile before and tried to send you a friend request but it didn't work. it used to be possible but maybe they have taken this feature away?

    Love Mel

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hi Allison and everyone

    Chilli is my golden Labrador, Rob's sole mate, Chilli hasn't been well of late, I am keeping him going. He is 13 1/2 and has arthritis, with 2 visits to the vets and 2 lots of steriods I do fear the worst.   love Donna x

  • Oh he’s Precious. 
    I had a cat, called Precious actually! She found me! As cats seem to do but I fell in love with her. Lost her Oct 2019. Then when Dave moved in 21 months ago he brought his dog Lucy (hienz 57) she wad 16!! We had to have her put down Oct 2020! 

    I’ve been wanting a cat or dog ever since but we were being sensible taking our time to decide, plus Dave wanted a dog and a medium to large one but as we live (or I now do) in a terrace cottage I’d rather a wee dog! On the day I went to get him from the hospital with the news of nothing can be done only palliative care, he said to my sister “get her something furry!” ...he always cheered me up when I was down with a trip to a petting zoo or sending me adorable kitten & puppy pics. 
    I know I will get something but don’t feel I can yet. Need to prove I can look after myself first!! 

    I hope Chilli (ace name) can he with you comfortably for a while yet. Losing a beloved pet is hard! 
    Thank you for the picture, certainly brightened my evening. 

  • FormerMember

    Good morning MyPineapple I just wanted to say thank you for the post I read it last night but could not get logged in somehow your story of user name was so funny it did make me smile and thank you for that I'm so sorry your Dave has passed and send my condolences to you at this sad time , I just took our cats name feel like a rebel today so pleased to join your thread today . Hope you have a good day Allison happy thoughts James . 

  • Thank you James :) ... though is your cats name Sunnyboy or Rebel? Joy ...I had a dog called Rebel when I was little.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MyPineapple

    My cats Sunnyboy it's been a while since I've had sunnydays since my love had to go and take her place in heaven . Thanks for the uplifting thread . Take care Allison 

  • Hi Allison, 

    That's such a nice story!  My username was the nickname my wife called me,  no one else ever called me that and it was the first thing that came to mind when prompted.  I guess it just felt right to use it and I miss hearing it a lot. 

    Anyway,  I'm Carl and it's lovely to meet everyone here and be part of it.   It's taken me almost six months to join,  but I guess we all do things in our own time and in different orders. 

  • Hi Carl 

    Yes, we are all different and grief differently. That’s the beauty of this site, no pressure. 

  • I called myself Sausagedog because I have one! No surprises there! He’s 13 and has arthritis etc, been a regular visitor to the vets lately and he refuses to go on walks but he is good company. 
    My name is Amanda, hello all xx

  • Hello Amanda! :) 

    I was just sat in my car before looking at someone walking by with a sausage dog and thought how utterly gorgeous it was. I am definitely going to get a cat or dog again at some stage. I just need to be fit to look after myself first! x