Message from MyPineapple

  • 45 replies
  • 32 subscribers

Hello Everyone

I wanted to message all those who have replied to any of my posts so far as a sort of ‘group’ but this site doesn’t seem to have that option so I just addressed a new thread to hope this reaches you all.

That does not mean it is ONLY for that group it’s everyone so if you’ve never heard of MyPineapple and you’re reading this for the first time...Hello, happy to know you!

Firstly, like all people who join this site we get told not to use our names, or anything that might be like our names!! Flushed odd but we comply. That’s why I’m “MyPineapple”

Despite its oddness it does mean a lot to me. The first picture of Dave I saw when I walked into my sisters after she collected me from the hospice after he died was his cheeky face wearing a wee-willy winky night cap encased in a gold Pineapple frame!!! So so apt! So David. Dave loved his smart suits for work and looked a million dollars in them but this Pineapple picture captures the true Dave!!! So cheeky and full of laughter.

He loved buying daft silly gifts at Christmas and would come home with his bounty going through the stuff he’d bought... a Nuns calendar for my sister, a fox in a glass box for my Mum Flushedthis Pineapple frame for my niece! However I said “you know Dave, I actually like that frame!” ...”oh” he said... “I’ll have to do something about that!” hence adding the pic of himself!! Joy

I brought that frame home with me and was staring at it as I logged onto here for the first time.

So that’s what’s behind my user name and I like it but I also love, has someone just said, how we all seem to be signing off with our real names more now so...

Hi, I’m Allison xxx

  • Evening all! 

    Allison, your last post caught my eye cos I thought you said I love Revels and I was about to agree and add that the bags are too wee now Joy

    Anyway, it’s been a sunny day here in Bonnie Scotland so that’s lifted the mood a bit. That said, I still started the day off with a wee cry because of a nice message someone sent me. It doesn’t take much to set me off. 

    I had some bad news yesterday. My work colleague and good friend died yesterday morning (cancer, she was 45). She had been with Gary and I throughout our cancer journey and had been a tower of strength to us both. I had a bad day yesterday, just gutted even though I knew it was about to happen. Another devastated family. 

    Tomorrow is another day. Let’s hope it’s a good one for us all.

    Peigi xx 

  • Oh Peigi, Sending big hugs xx

    PS I’m partial to Revels too 

  • Peigi, you’ve done the impossible and made me just smile!! Revels!!! Joy
    As for your friend I’m so very very sorry to hear that. 45!! 
    As you say, another devastated family. 
    my heart goes out to you and them. There really are no words. 

    Sun in Scotland! Wow!! know I love the place. It has part of my heart for sure. Xx

  • I’m glad I’ve made you smile tonight - if only for a short while. That smile will return. It’s such early days for us all - but particularly you.

    Hugs xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jonta

    Thanks, Ian. I am just finding my feet now, after nearly a year. Strange times indeed, so much for retirement! x

  • How strange you had a cat called Precious, our cat is called Precious and I am an Alison too!!

    Our precious came from The cats protection. 

    My username is because I was an Akela and 2516 are my children's birthdays! 

    Funny old world! 


  • Gosh yes that is funny!! 

    My cat found me back when I was living in a flat alone. I had always thought I was't really a cat person ... though I do love all animals but would, pre-Precious, have said definitely more a dog person but she changed my mind. 

    I had no idea of her name and just kept saying to her... You are so Precious! that stuck. I miss her so much. Dave loved Animals too and we lost his dog last October. We had every intention of getting another pet, cat or dog again at some stage. When my sister and I first went in to see Dave in the hospital after they had finally decided there was nothing else, no covid things and so forth, this pain was all down to cancer and it was getting worse, the first thing Dave said to my sister was 'get her something furry'.  That was HIM. I mean he's just been told he's dying and yet he's thinking of ME!! I have on idea how he really felt! Was he scared? Mad? upset? he couldn't really communicate for longer than a few minutes since the day we brought him home. 

    What is an Akela? xx

  • We were the same DorothyOz, we’d both taken early retirement in 2018 when my wife was diagnosed in the December of the same year. But one thing I can be thankful for was that retirement allowed us to enjoy more quality time together, so I’m grateful for that and also not having to worry about taking time off work for treatment and other hospital visits, etc x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jonta

    Yes, Jonta, I was so glad I didn't have to take time off work, but Andy was almost 10 years younger than me and had a way to go before retirement. The first sign was a seizure at work while there was no-one there. When he was discovered he was taken to hospital and never reached a stage when he could work again. He had brain surgery for the secondary tumour (successful) and was undergoing immunotherapy for the lung but within 3 days of the first treatment his whole system gradually shut down and he died 5 weeks later and within 6 months of his first collapse. I think he probably could have had maybe another 2 years or so of life, but the decision to declare him "end of life" meaning they would not put him on a respirator, needed for covid patients, was taken out of my hands. He had Ehler's Danlos, which affects the immune system, but no-one took it into account although we did tell them. I have given up trying to fight them all because I have no proof of anything, but I believe that Ehlers should be a contraindication for immunotherapy. They could not explain why he had suddenly deteriorated because the cancer in the lung had shrunk slightly. So the cancer specialists washed their hands of him and said if he improved they would recommence the treatment. I don't care anymore, it doesn't matter in the great scheme of things, he is gone.  Sorry, I have ranted too long - there is probably another space where I should have written all this! xx