Going back to work??

  • 34 replies
  • 29 subscribers

I've been off work since the end of September to take care of my Husband Colin who sadly left us 5th April - 5 weeks ago now. My sick pay has obviously finished now and work has asked me if I will be coming back (as they have to). I do intend to go back but don't know when the right time will be. I work for Boots as a 'customer assistant' aka as a dogsbody lol!!! 3 days a week 8-4.30. I know I can do phased return, say 3 hours a day - or whatever I want really but I feel so nervous and scared, what of I don't know!! How soon did anybody go back to work??

Sandra x

  • Good on you! You sound quite up beat and so.you should! It's a big step or maybe its an FE step ( f*****g enormous)

    So I think you should very pleased with yourself!!

    Thumbsup tone2Thumbsup tone2Thumbsup tone2

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • Thank you all. I am an 'always look on the bright side of life' kind of  person and I do prefer funny films/tv programmes and smiley people. I tend to put n a good front and do have a natural 'barrier' but underneath is another story as is with most of us  :) 

    Here's to day 2.  Have a good every1


    Tomorrow is another day
  • I’m pleased you got back to work, my turn tomorrow, wish me luck! 
    it seems this week a lot of us are returning to work.

    i didn’t sleep well last night, thinking about work, both looking forward to it and a bit anxious at same time but once I’m there I’m sure I will be fine.

    in a way it’s good I didn’t sleep well last night as I can hardly keep my eyes open at 5pm, so hopefully by tea is over, I plan to have a lovely relaxing bath and plan  to be in bed by 9pm with some relaxing music. (Always a positive in a negative)

    Sending love and strength to us all


    Grief is the flip side of love
  • Good luck Ebony12 for tomorrow take deep breaths and keep your head up. Have a tissue ready just in case but the 2 metre rule might help, I feel it has for me. Are you going in on phased return?  Short shifts are good! Have a good day x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Good luck Karen. I am sure it will be all good. I have personally found work helps me.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Good luck tomorrow Karen. Once you've got tomorrow over with I'm sure you'll be glad to be back. As Alison said, I definitely find it helps to be back in the real world.

    Ali x

  • Hi all.

    thanks for the good luck wishes. I’m going back phased return, I’m doing 2 10 hour shifts this week and building back up to 3 10 and 1 7 over the course of a month. 

    having a bit of a carry on with HR as I had a flexi request in doing part time until December 2020, so I could look after hubby, don’t need that now so they have let me go back full time but will not pay me as full time over phases return only the hours I do.

    they said that really they could make me work part time until December as I agreed this!

    my manager backs me and has tried in vain with them as obviously my circumstances have changed! They will not budge, without generalising I think some people in HR are robots with no compassion and we are treat exactly that, a human resource with a number!

    rant over, I’m sure I will be fine, just a bit crappy as I thought to myself I wish I was still working part time till December as that would mean my hubby was still here.

    Much love


    Grief is the flip side of love
  • Sod HR and all the best for your return..

    "Sometimes life is hideous, other times it's worse!"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mccmcc

    Hi all,

    all the best returning back to work, it helped me.



  • First shift over with, it went ok, no tears  but I was absolutely shattered! I will get back into routine though. 

    much love


    Grief is the flip side of love