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Hi everyone,

Hope you're all faring reasonably well under the circumstances.

I was doing okay but broke down today. I've become so listless that I'm incapable of working or doing anything that might be considered remotely productive. i have exams to set, papers to correct. I begin working, then just find myself going from one site to another and I accomplish Nothing or not much.

Today it dawned on me that my life has become one big sham. Since Gilles' death, I've put on a brave face, pretending to cope, smiling and trying to look "normal". During this confinement, we're being asked as teachers to pretend that new technology is the answer to everything, that courses and exams can go on as usual. As a foreign language teacher, I can tell you these exams are a joke. The students are either just copying over their courses or using Google Translate. And then, today, as I was drinking non-alcoholic beer, since the sale of alcohol has been banned here during the confinement, I thought that even that has because a sham.

It's alright when you choose to be alone but the word loneliness has taken on a whole new meaning. I had finally found a few people that I was comfortable with and enjoyed being with from time to time. The loneliness of the first few months has returned in full force and all I could do this afternoon was sob - for Gilles' suffering, for me, my loss, and for the life I will no longer have with him.

I feel really down and don't know in what state I'll wake up tomorrow. You can tell that people no longer know what to say when you say you've been crying. More pretence. Had a lovely day, thank you very much

Thanks for reading, for listening to me whimper and whine and feeling sorry for myself

Hugs to everyone

  • Hi Dutsie,

    Listening to it now lying in bed, lovely and relaxing. She has a beautiful voice.

    Ali x

  • Hi All, 

    Feeling flat today! Normally whatever that is now! We would be out enjoying the bank holiday and sun! Instead I have been allocated an annual leave day as they have too many staff this week and I wanted to save it for Christmas when I will need it as that will be the first anniversary! I am fed up.and peed off! 

    Guess I will clean the oven, one of the few jobs I have left! Then I can start again!!! I am fed up with cleaning, it is not as if it is dirty but it keeps me busy and I am still not ready to think. I can't concentrate on a book or even telly really! I watch something I have recorded a couple of times for it to sink in! 

    I have been given another week of lates this week! I have done one early start in three weeks and frankly fed up with that too! No-one has asked if I am ok at work and we are dealing with cancer! I am struggling but bite my tongue. I don't think they are being fair with those of us who have been redeployed! I wish this was all over so I could at least scatter Ric and set him free and try and be normal!!! 

    I dare not cry as I won't stop! 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • I'll try to remember thatRelaxed

    And, Dutsie, thanks for the song. Loved it.

    Can I ask a stupid question? Promise not to laugh. Where, oh where, is the 'Like' button? I am not a Facebook person and have never 'liked' anything or anybody but sometimes I'd like to here but don't know how.

  • Silly goose that I am. It was staring me in the face. Sorry.

  • I know this experience of waking up because I think I heard my husband and sometimes I am really not sure whether it is perhaps their spirit that is still there. I can imagine that it must be so difficult in this isolation period and to have your daughter drop off shopping and not being able to go outside and hug her. Cry if you have too. It is normal and at this particularly difficult time I think we have to take our feelings as they come.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Merci Limbo. I am sure Hannah will get the grades she wants she just wanted to prove herself! 

    The garden helps that it is physical work so it helps to tire you too! I have done cleaning today instead, so my oven sparkles! This was Ric's job. I couldn't work out how he got the glass out of the doors and then found out by accident so I guess he showed me! 

    The weather is brightening up this afternoon but too cold for outside still so I am going to try and watch a film as my son is working! 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hi Mel 

    Always accept the signs you get if they resonate deeply within your  inner feelings. False signs always come from the head and are easily dismissed. Believe me our loved ones are safe and surrounded by pure love in another dimension that some may choose to call heaven. The title is of no importance. 

    Love and Light 

    Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Today a year ago I got fed up with Doctor telling my wife she had just a bad back she has been to physiotherapy so I had taken her to A&E  after examination was told she had 2 breaks in her back into hospital for a week lots of tests myeloma had her birthday in there came home to wait for appointment to see specialist told it was not curable but chemo and stem cell wold give her 5 years perhaps one biopsy and an infusion to strengthen bones she was in great pain after infusion couldn't even get out of bed  a week later no change she went to toilet one morning and her back broke again rushed her in to A&E admitted to a general ward no room in macmillan ward after a week a place was found I commuted between there and another hospital for my radio therapy for prostate cancer each time I came back she seemed to be in more pain until one day I went for my treatment came back she was not there in critical care I waited six hours before I was allowed to see her Friday night  I sat with her all day sat but she was still getting worse my heart was breaking but tried not to show it I was sent home sat night but came back Sunday at 5am to find her I deep pain was told she would not survive so I told them to get her out of pain I sat and held her hand and talked to her for 2 hours till she passed away this is something I can never do again to painful this has all come flooding back as its her birthday soon just as if it was yesterday I'm hoping next year if I survive that long it will be easier I to can not remember what it's like to be happy . Stay safe and be well 

  • Oh, Ian,

    I'm sorry you're having a hard day.  Every now and again, we're afflicted by these painful memories and they remind us that grief is now a part of our lives. It was not easy watching our spouses suffer as we stood helpless, not being able to alleviate their pain. You, too, were undergoing treatment, so there was the double traume, so to speak. It's good to be able to speak about it. It helps to evacuate. I hope you're doing a little better now. Birthdays and anniversaries tend to revive this not too distant past.Will you be doing anything special for her birthday?

    Take care of yourself.

  • Thank you limbo I have bought a card and was going to put it on her memorial but the crematorium is closed so will put it up in the house 
