Visits in your dreams

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  • 32 subscribers

For a week now I have been visited by my wife in my dreams very mixed up dreams but I. The end l get near my wife I then wake in tears  does anyone else have dreams like this to 

  • Hi Gary I was half way through my treatment when my wife passed radiotherapy at addenbrooks I promised her I would finish it and have my promise I fulfilled any other problems will be met with pain relief only mine was prostate cancer

  • Hi Mike it seems to get harder the longer it goes on I'm lucky I guess to be at work but weekends are horrible I'm always fighting back the tears the lump in my throat and the gut wrenching hope your day goes a little bit smoother 

  • Hi Mike 

    I'm pretty much the same my friend but I'm getting anxiety attacks these days. Heart racing wildly. Tight throat. A pain across my chest with hot flushes. I'm hoping its the onset of a fatal heart attack so I can be with my Anne but I know deep down its just the anxiety getting the better of me, I hate this lonely pointless existence. The only time Im happy is when I'm asleep or distracted by good company.  But I have found random coins on the floor in the house. Two on the stairs, a twenty pence piece propped up and a pound coin laying next to it. Another appeared in the bedroom doorway when I woke up one morning. Apparently it's a common phenomena following the passing of a loved one. It's their way of saying they are OK. I put them in Annes purse as a sign I got her message. But when I was showing my son when he visited one of the twenty pence piece had gone. Replaced with two one pence pieces. There have been other strange but comforting things going on as well but I wont go into them now Mike. At least I know Annes still around for a bit and giving me  a little comfort. 

    Light and Love 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Darkhorse123

    My husband was diagnosed 2 years ago to the daydate of your post and passed just 6 weeks later to the date. I feel your sentiment. At the moment I'm living that period and I'm not counting down the days to Christmas,  I'm counting down to the day nigel stoped sharing our life here. Two years on I continue to feel part of a couple. I ask nigel for far more guidance now than I ever did when he was physically here and I feel I get it.

    i closed a coffee shop in September 17 and wasn't sure if I would start a new one so I  stored the furniture and contents in a house I have empty. It has concerned me this past year as I decided I didn't feel I would start a new business but didn't have the energy to auction or advertise the items for sale.

    This sounds daft I know but I was sat on settee watching TV and there is a photo of nige and me to the side. I said for goodness sake sort me out. I need to get shop stuff sorte, some sort of work to get me out of house and rental house on market.. you can see i have no energy sort me please.

    next day I had drs appointment and walking back to Car I passed a charity shop. Never heard of the charity and I found out it had opened locally just 4 days before. I explained the situation and asked if they'd be interested in a couple of tables and a few chairs. As it turned out they are a charity who support ex prisoners on return to the community and they are setting up 2 coffee shops one 4 and 9 miles away. 

    They collected the lot last week.. removing 9 van loads.. I'm now cleaning through and agent coming tomorrow to take photos and market it. They have also asked if I'd come on board as consultant and trainer. Pretty much everything I asked nige for help with. Coincidence, maybe but I chose and take comfort from feeling nigel guided me and had a part to play. That he's still around me but in a different way.

    i have always had an interest in spiritualism but very sceptical too. I've attended meetings and sat back watching mediums work. Sometimes what they say hits the nail on the head, sometimes what they say has no meaning. What difference does it make if it's all done in a good, non manipulative way. It means I get out of house. I meet new people and many become friends. We can talk about life and put the world to rights over cake and a cuppa and I can support recently bereaved who are searching for ways too hold on. 

    I also sit back and observe the mediums and the attendees during a reading. There are many visiting mediums coming from as far afield as 50 miles away, who don't charge but get their petrol covered. I have not seen any medium try to manipulate or persuade anyone, just convey the message. Do o believe the message truly comes from spirit and each medium has a psychic gift.. of varying degrees, I'm not sure. Do I feel that each medium recognises everyone who is there has lost someone special, yes I do. Do they give a comforting message, they do but is that a psychic message or picked up from response, debatable. Do I think the medium thinks it psychic, yes

  • Hi I feel the same the message mediums give is comforting and very much true to the person I have to believe that there is spirits or we have nothing to strive for and our existence is a pointless excercise  if only we could prove outright that spirits were with us 

  • Hi Newb, i have read your post with great interest, I was always very sceptical of Spiritualism but i knew nothing about it until i was taken by my friend to my local church. I found it very intriguing to say the least. It was about 3 months before i received any message. A lot of it was generic but then i got several things that were unknown to anyone else, let alone a complete stranger. Since then i have received evidence, i stress evidence of life after this life on earth. I could write many pages relating to this but would possibly bore many people who consider it rubbish. I know my wife Jean is still with me in spirit, i ask her for help & guidance and and i am aware of her answering me, not verbally but by getting the help & guidance asked for. I would say to anyone, go to a Spiritualist Church, keep going and eventually you will get the evidence that your loved one is with you in spirit, and proof that our human body is just a container for our spirit, our soul and is left behind when we pass over.



  • Hi Terry I have been to medium workshop circle it was very good and friendly just I was not in a good place to meditate having bereavement and cancer I did have a reading and was told my wife was with me I do believe we go to spirit world but being sceptical it's hard 

  • Terry I have been very anti belief in God for a long time. I went to church many times alone and begged for my boy to be saved and it made me so angry when i was ignored. This I did for others too that i lost who i loved. But...strangely i am drawn to the church we married at, so maybe i might investigate because if thats what it takes for me to get the proof and proper contact i need it might be worth the effort. thank you so much for sharing.

  • We each have a sort of bond but we diverge in different ways. We almost all just want to pass away and be with the love of our lives. I don't feel any compulsion to have to keep going. Like me, others have also had to deal with own cancer. Nine month on I heartily regret going thru with the treatement. If it comes back I ain't trudging this road again. I am still a zombie. I agreed to treatment for others sakes and now it feels like a huge mistake. I dunno why I carry on. My emotions swinging wildly, and yet yes I trudge on, for now xx

  • Darkhorse

    Just to say that there's a difference between churches such as where you married and  spiritualism.

    I too cried out to God many times and still do. I don't know why He didn't save our loved ones and I'm so angry with Him. I can only cling to the hope that we'll be reunited.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate