Visits in your dreams

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  • 32 subscribers

For a week now I have been visited by my wife in my dreams very mixed up dreams but I. The end l get near my wife I then wake in tears  does anyone else have dreams like this to 

  • No I've never dreamt of him. That sounds very unsettling, I hope you're doing a bit better now.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Hi Ian,

    I've had all kinds of dreams. They were mostly dreams where he looked well but we knew that the cancer had not gone. I used to wake up crying like crazy. One of the more disturbing ones I had reminded me of the one you described. I dreamt that we (my husband, borother-in-law , his wife and I) were in a foreign country. My brother-in-law was driving and, at some point, my husband asked him to stop because he needed to go to the bathroom. We all came out of the car and watched  Gilles walk off in the opposite direction. My brother-in-law, Richard, suggested we continue driving a little way, promising we would turn back for Gilles. We agreed and, on several occasions, I told Richard it was time to turn back but he kept saying 'just a little way more', until we reached a narrow tunnel with water and there was no way we could go back. I was devastated.

    I suppose it's our subconscious bringing to the fore our desire to be with our spouses again. I don't know if there's a message in there for us - one that is obvious, of course - that that part of our life is over and that we have to continue without them. But, that we know and that's why we're feeling the way we are. Who knows.

    On a more positive note, in the last dream I had, he told me he was sending someone to kiss me. It certainly felt like him and that was one of my happier moments. I cried on awakening but, mainly, it left me smiling most of that day.

  • Hi limbo my dream this morning I was in a field of sorts and she was sitting on a low trailer after searching for a bit I found her I managed to stroke her face but didn't get a kiss as I woke up in such a flood of tears whether it was not or sadness u don't know have been in bits all day 

  • On the one hand, we've been lucky to have been with them for a fraction of time but on the other, their absence becomes even more striking. If you can remember what you felt in the dream, try to hold on to that because I'm sure you were happy to see her again. I know it brings a little bit of comfort at that particular moment and then we become overwhelmed by the sadness again but keep that dream in mind. It will help.

  • Yes, I have had dreams sometime I awake in tears other times I awake feeling loved, I had a whole conversation with Jerry in my dream it seemed so real. 

  • Dear wildcat

    I feel the same. My soulmate left me unwillingly on 23 Feb. I feel part of a furutre I do not want. There were 6 family members lost to us this year, including my darling hubby and grandson, 3. John and the baby share a casket in fact.

    8 months on I feel no different except I probably would not have proceeded with treatment for my own cancer if I had known what lay ahead. I passed up on a chance to be with my beautiful husband. 

    I dream about him lots. I also think about him during the day obsessionally. Night time is terrible. He loved Roy Orbison so I framed a picture of us in our youth surrounded by the lyrics of 'In Dreams' so I try to use that when first trying to go to sleep.

    But right away I am back with him at the point of death in a horrific loop. I  cannot, will not and do not want  to move away from that or him. I deserve the suffering. I HATE being away from him I HATE the position I am now in.

    How can 8 months feel like 8 centuries and 8 minutes at the same time?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ian I have never been one to have dreams or if I do I don't recall them.

    It's interesting I've been thinking it might be nice to see Amanda again in a dream but nothing 

    We both loved Titanic and the song my heart will go on, I've played it several times it made me very sad and tearful initially and I can't listen to it without wet eyes, but it keeps reminding me " every night in my dreams I see you I feel you that is how I know you go on"

    It makes me think maybe I should have dreams but for me nothing, I just think of her every day.


  • Hi Gary I only have them occasionally this last week I have had nothing just like you I think of her all day I talk to her in my head all day I am seriously considering having a course on mediumship that way I'm in control of if it's true or not I think I would be more at peace with myself then but I would still want to go to her that will never change 

  • I also have dreams, some I can Remember, others I know I have dreamt of her but can’t remember them. Which is very frustrating. 

    And like you Gary and Ian I think of my wife most of the time. It’s now nearly 4 months and i still find it hard to believe I’ll never hear her voice again. 


    Love you always Winnie xx
  • I play a video every morning of her with the dogs at the beach calling them and giggling just so I remember what She sounded like 
