Visits in your dreams

  • 63 replies
  • 32 subscribers

For a week now I have been visited by my wife in my dreams very mixed up dreams but I. The end l get near my wife I then wake in tears  does anyone else have dreams like this to 

  • Dear Darkhorse, I lost my wife Jean 4 years ago last week, Nov 7th 2015. I worked within this group as a Champion for a period of time. With a bit of Divine Intervention i have been able to move forward. My friend introduced me to a Spiritualist Church. Now i had no knowledge of Spiritualism, indeed i scorned it but since starting to attend my local church my life has changed. I am now aware that after life on this earth life in the Spirit form does exist. I have received undoubtable evidence of this. Many will frown and disbelieve me so i will not preach but i will advise anyone who may be interested to go to your nearest Spiritualist Church where i can assure you will get a wonderful welcome. There is nothing to be afraid of, nothing spooky, no lights out and naked dancing or anything like that. The service consists of hymns, Prayers including the The Lords Prayer, A short philosophy (sermon) followed by a Medium (speaker) who will link with Spirit and bring evidence through of life after life on earth. I emphasize EVIDENCE not fortune telling. All of this will cost you nothing except an offering during the collection. Do not be afraid, just go and enjoy the comfort and peace that a message (evidence) will give you should you get one. I would just like to add that The Spiritiualist Religion is a fully recognised Religion in Great Britain by law.

     The link below will connect you to The Spiritualist National Union of Great Britain for more information.



  • Thank you Terry I have been trying to pluck up courage to go and see what it's like I have one near me so on Friday I will go and see many thanks it was the push I needed 

  • Hi, well done, go along and see what it's like. I don't know what may be on on a Friday but the evening when it's what we call Open Circle is a good one to attend. There are usually many mediums who work on that evening and more chance of getting a message. Anyone can speak up at an Open Circle. If it's anything like my church in County Durham you will be made most welcome with Tea/coffee + biscuits afterwards if you wish. I wish you all the best. God bless. Terry



  • Friday night is workshop night not sure what that is but will give it a go 

  • Hi Ian 

    Workshop evenings are not usually the time  Mediums attend on the rostrum to give information to those luckily enough to receive a message from Spirit. . Also if you see an Open Circle evening that's a meeting where a group gathers to test out their own medium ship. Look for the title Mediums on your churches agenda. This will give the weekly dates a Medium will attend on the rostrum to provide the service you are looking for. Hope this helps. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Many thanks will look out for that 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Newb

    You should go, it does not matter if you are a believer or not. My experience of spiritualist meeting places is one of warmth & positive vibes; many offer healing but most of all they are places where you will experience an uplifting positive feeling just by being there

  • Dear Terry

    firstly my condolences about your wife. It must be very hard for you this time of year especially. I do believe there is an ether out there where the spirit resides. I do hope so. Sadly there will be no prayers from me. I do not believe in God whatsoever. I grew up a Catholic n all that but whenever I have desperately needed help none came. I won't bore you with all of the rubbish I have gone through from as young as i can recall, and to my parents before me before my birth. My selfishness extends only to my obsession with my darling soul mate and the current horrible position I have been dumped into with so many deaths and other issues all year. Christmas as far as I am concerned can whistle. I am lonely and smarting and like a petulant child that no one can placate.

    I am so glad you are able to get comfort and support from your own belief in God and his Church though. I would never ever deride anyone from something they are supported by. I have seen death from a very young age and it has never worried or frightened me, but it is extremely distressing when you can do nothing to stop it, or for those in discomfort, allieviate that. I very rarely use the word hate as it is a very negative and nasty term to use, but right now appropriate. I HATE the loss of my darling, I HATE being alone, I HATE the continuing bad situation and nonsense, I HATE this miserable position of 'being' doesn't even warrant the term existence. I am missing part of my internal core without which I cannot be living in the true sense of the word. Nothing of what you have mentioned spooks or scares me. I have seen far more in life than anything in another existence ever could. I worked in the horrors of a top security mental hospital and then in Crown court and family courts for around twenty five years in total. you need strong guts for that I can tell you. Matched or bettered only by the terrors of Real Life crises. I am now exhausted and flattened with it all.... There is no recovery. Even bordem which could i guess be best scenario would not give that to me. I have tried it all. The meds, psychology, psychiatry, counselling, cbt and most alternative theories. Satisfied I did the expected, I accept my lot for now, but from my heart I do thank you for your post x

  • Dear Darkhorse123

    I hear you. And in 50yrs time nothing will matter. 

    Love and Light 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi Darkhorse123. I am so sorry for your loss and pain and now how you feel. I lost my darling wife in July. It doesn’t seem like living it feels like just existing. I hate being alone  , I hate having no soulmate to talk to at this very moment I hate this life. 

    I also worked for 25 years in a top security mental hospital, but no matter what that threw at me it doesn’t compare in the slightest what I feel like now. 

    Take care . Mike 

    Love you always Winnie xx