6 months

1 minute read time.

Hi everyone.  Firstly, I regret not being able to come on here more often.  I have been so busy recently with work and generally keeping myself occupied.  I think that I keep myself occupied because it gives me purposes and helps me not to think about what has happened in my life over the past year. 

Monday 14th March was the six-month anniversary of my mum's death.  I cannot believe it has been six months already.  I get on with my life, but I think about my mum a lot.  Her passing seems like it was yesterday. 

One of my friends called me today to tell me that his aunt has passed away.  And that made me think about it all again.  There is a great sadness still there.  I remember my mum being a fighter and getting through everything life threw at her.  And I am proud of her for fighting and being so strong.  But then I think to myself that she eventually lost her battle with cancer, and it makes me upset to think that it got the better of her in the end.  It doesn't seem right somehow, that someone who fought so well should lose a battle like that. 

I think part of my feelings stem from my innate belief that modern medicine should be able to deal with pretty much anything.  If there is something wrong with me, I expect the doctors to be able to make me better.  I don't think twice about it.  So I think it taps into my feelings about life and death.
