Bereavement Counselling

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Today I went for my first bereavement counselling session.  I left feeling that what has taken place was profound, for I felt as if I had opened up Pandora's Box with regards to my feelings.  The depth at which I discussed my feelings really shook me and made me think. I hadn't previously thought about the complexity of the reasons why I feel the way I do.  Obviously, there is grief.  But I hadn't thought about the impact of my own powerlessness.  I am a person who feels that they need to understand the reason behind everything and who need to feel that they are in control of what happens in their life.  Maybe my Mum's death challenged both of these things.

I think this counselling will prove to be a good thing in the long-term though.

  • FormerMember

    hello yilmaz , i felt very much the same as you but i started my counselling before my husband died ,and i can honestly say although it was very painful  and exausting a year on im not having it any more but it was the best thing i could have done, i truly believe it has helped me be the stong person i am today, so keep going , love and hugs jenni xx

  • FormerMember

    hi yilmaz

    i am currently having councilling following the death of my husband and for me I think it is helping too. I have not had any single session that felt like a sudden breakthrough but i am feeling stronger as i go to more sessions and although there are tears i would go so far as to say i like going. its nice to talk to someone about the depth of feelings you have who won't judge and you are not worried about upsetting like you might be with family or friends. I would say keep going, sounds like its already helping.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Yilmaz,

    As you say its like opening up Pandoras Box where your feelings are concerned. I like you like to think Im in Control of everything I do, But Cancer soon put a stop to that. I soon realised that you are not in control of your destiny. But you can always think you are, not that it really matters.What will be will be.!!!

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yilmaz, glad you had such a positive experience. I too had counselling earlier this year and it really helped me, so well done for taking the first step. Val X

  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone.I am not coping well at all. It is early days I know, I only lost my hubbie on the 16th Dec after nursing him for the last 6 months. From being strong for him I have now have crumbled. Went into town yesterday had a big panic attack starting crying and had to come home. Not on any medication dont really want to go down that road. Is counselling the answer for me. I feel so sad and lost and so lonely. We were married for 47 years and he had, had 67th birthday the month before. Our two girls have been wonderful but they need to get on with their own lives. I dont want to become a pest to them. Its been good putting all this down. Thank you for listening to me Denise xxxx