Moving Forward

1 minute read time.

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well.  I feel bad that I haven't had time to post on here much recently, and part of me also feels bad that so many of you supported me last year when my Mum died, but that I haven't been around much to reciprocate lately. 

It's nearly a year since my Mum died and lately I have been feeling very sad about it.  On July 24th, it would have been her 65th birthday.  We went out as a family and we had dinner to celebrate her birthday.  It was lovely.  But, since then I have been very sad.  I acutely remember August of last year and how much my Mum suffered in the final month of her life.  Strangely, all the small things bring it back to me: the nights drawing in, the beginning of the football season.  I remember it like it was yesterday. 

It scares me that it is nearly a year since my Mum died, as I can remember it so clearly.  Many positive things have happened to me in the last few months: I passed my driving test after numerous failed attemps and bought a car; I finally got a job after searching so hard for three years and I met someone and am in a relationship.  However, while my life has moved forward, I still remember last year all so vividly and have this massive sense of loss.  My girlfriend has been supportive and says that I need to move past thinking about the way in which my Mum died and think about the good things.  She is right, but in a way, thinking about the good times only highlights just what I have lost. 

I feel like I am still grieving, but also feel it's hard to talk to people about it, as it has been nearly a year.

  • Anniversaries are soooooo difficult. Yes, you'll have flashbacks, it's only natural. Birthdays, Christmas, and the anniversary of a loved one's death, all trigger memories. You want to share the good news with your mum and you feel cheated - again, that is perfectly natural.

    I have loved and lost so many people in my life and I promise it does get better. Of course we still remember those who have passed but when we do it is with a smile. The bad memories are overtaken by the good ones. It will take time but you'll get there.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Yilmaz,

    Its a long hard road this greiving. A lot of great memories come flooding back of the good as well as the bad times but the pain will ease one day. The Love for your Mum never will never ease.   Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi there Yilmaz, good to hear from you again. I was driving past a field of wheat that was being harvested the other day, and the smell reminded me so much of my dad - but he died 27 years ago! He would have been 80 yesterday.

    It does take time, so don't worry if the memories make you feel so sad, it's very early days for you. I'm glad that your life is working out so well. Take care, Val X

  • FormerMember

    (((HUGS))) Yilmaz

    I know just how you are feeling and its not easy. Keep talking as much as you like, grief doesn't disappear on a timescale just because a year has passed.

    Thinking of you, Sharonxx