Counselling Week 2

2 minute read time.

I felt a little more uneasy this week, because I felt like I had to keep talking for an hour.  I don't know, it just felt weird to keep going on about my feelings, thoughts, worries and felt like I was going round in a circle, continually asking unanswered questions. There is very little input from the counsellor and it often feels like I'm talking to myself.

The counselling is good for exploring my feelings more deeply, but it's almost as if I can't see where this is going.  I told the counsellor how powerless I felt to stop my Mum dying of cancer and how deeply this disturbed me.  I told her how the sheer injustice of it all continues to upset me and affect the way I see my own life as well.  And I talked about how I feel that society let my Mum down, in the sense that the doctors said they couldn't treat her cancer.  Not being able to treat her isn't good enough in my eyes, which is why I still have such anger towards the doctors.  It is not a personal anger; I don't blame any doctors/nurses individually.  It's just that I see things on the news about how people have brain tumours removed and recover.  And I read about things like genetic modification etc.  When I think about how they did the first heart transplant 43 years ago, but still can't treat cancer, it seems so pathetic to me.  And it makes me feel angry, as I feel that their inability to find a treatment for cancer has killed my mother. 

My counsellor asked me to write a letter to my mother and bring it to the session for next week.  One of the things I discussed was that it upset me that my Mum felt she could leave me and I've been thinking about how I could have contributed to that view.  You hear stories about women especially, who are diagnosed with cancer, but who fight on because they know they have a family and children to look after.  I am 26 and am starting to live my own life, but it scares me to think that my Mum might have let go and left us because she felt she wasn't needed anymore.  I grew up watching my Mum fight and beat many illnesses and so I struggle to understand why she didn't this this time. 

I'll keep going to counselling, but at the moment, I still feel as I'm struggling to coming to terms with things, as I have these unresolved questions that keep playing on my mind.

  • FormerMember

    hi Yilmaz Just remember love that your mother would not have left you had she had a choice. Try to think that you would not want her to still be here and suffering.Anger is a very natural reaction and I am so pleased you are going to continue couselling.Take care Yilmaz   Elgee

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yilmaz.  I understand all of your anger and the feeling of being powerless.  I'm sure your mum fought as hard as she could for as long as she could, I know mine did.  Your mum didn't want to leave you and in a sense she hasn't left you because you are who you are because of her.  She will always be with you in your heart.  Stick with the counselling as it will help you in time to work through all your emotions.  Take care.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    hi yalmaz

    i understand some of your anger at the medical staff,my mum died when i was 18 and my brother was 16  it wasn't cancer she had a heart condition but i never felt angry at her she had had 3 open heart ops and i'm just so proud that she fought as long as she did to stay with us to see my brother out of school and to meet my son who at the time was 6 months old .and caroline is right as you move foward in your life you will take your mum with you as i know i do ,she has been gone 24 years now i still miss her but it is now without the raw pain but that all take time ,keep up with the councilling it will be good to keep processing your feeling and remember there is no right or wrong way to feel just keep puttting one foot in front of the other and you will one day be able to think of your mum and smile xxx jackie

  • FormerMember

    a slightly different approach for you to consider...

    You say your counsellor is listening and saying little and you are talking almost feeling like you are going around in circles...

    Is that what is happening in your everyday life since your mum lost her fight and left you? If it is then perhaps you could give yourself a 'pat on the back' because you have identified the cause of not being able to move on just yet... and this trust me is a good thing!

    Your counselor is asking you to write a letter to your mum to allow you to unravel this continual internal dialogue - to write down the things you feel you shouldn't say, to get out all your anger and loss and all the other emotions tied up inside you...

    Once you have done this task, you will be able to see more clearly and start to recover some of those amazing days and hours you have spent growing up and living with your mum, it is so much easier to move forwards when you have done the hard bit... and everyone is right when they say your mum didn't choose to leave and didn't want to leave - just sometimes it is the right time to leave... and you living your life and fulfilling your dreams in whatever you do is her lasting legacy to you - she put so much into creating you, your opportunities, your support and loving you throughout... she would want you to be happy and maybe one day be in a position to do the same for your own children...

    With hugs Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Yalmaz,

    What a very helpful message from Jules. Read it carefully and you will see what she means.

    You keep attending your councilling and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.xx