Mums the word

  • Time out


    So today's not been as easy as yesterday.  Everyone's at each other's throats and everyone needs a break from each other.  The only problem is it feels like that's not possible.

    Mum told me today I was a moody b****. In fairness I probably have been a bit short with everyone over the last few days for which, after it's been pointed out and recognised, I feel extremely guilty. I am struggling to cope…
  • Sleep


    So things have settled down a bit, mum seems to be stabilising a bit and day to day life feels like it is becoming a new kind of normal. She helped make dinner tonight for the first time in a long time and it was a huge momentous moment which we were able to share together .

    This is positive however......I seem to have become an insomniac! Because things have settled down a bit and I'm not rushing around quite so…

  • Support


    My mum was diagnosed with incurable cancer in July last year. Every month we're getting to spend with her feels special and is definitely a gift. 

    She's stubbornly independent, traits which I definitely take from her! She's tired but getting bored of sitting in the house so I decided to take her out for a wee coffee to a garden centre. It felt nice to be able to spend time with her, just the two of us. Half way through…

  • Blue Monday


    Today is apparently blue Monday that one day in the year when a lot of people feel down because it's the end of Christmas, people have overspent and the weathers horrible. I used to worry about stuff like that too. Until I realised that small things that happen in life really aren't worth worrying about.

    But Monday hasn't been blue for me for the above reasons this year. It's blue because I'm struggling to…
  • Time


    I can't believe its been 22 days since my last blog! It feels like a lot longer.

    I have spent the last few weeks rushing around trying to get organised to make mums Christmas really special this year.  As well as working / cleaning / shopping. I have lost sight of the most important thing - spending actual time with mum. We were supposed to go to a Christmas event on Saturday night and I was really looking forward…