Blue Monday

1 minute read time.

Today is apparently blue Monday that one day in the year when a lot of people feel down because it's the end of Christmas, people have overspent and the weathers horrible. I used to worry about stuff like that too. Until I realised that small things that happen in life really aren't worth worrying about.

But Monday hasn't been blue for me for the above reasons this year. It's blue because I'm struggling to come to terms with my Mums diagnosis. I keep a brave face on for Mum and the rest of the family then end up not being able to sleep at night. We found out today she won't be able to get her next lot of chemo as her bloods weren't right. When it feels as if the worlds up against you - then it throws more. She's fighting this but there's only so much her positive mind set can do she needs the chemo to help her fight this for as long has she can.
I'm so proud of her. If I'm feeling blue I can't even begin to imagine what she's feeling. She's such a brave, independent, beautiful, caring, kind woman. And she's a fighter. I'm so proud to call her mum.