
1 minute read time.

I can't believe its been 22 days since my last blog! It feels like a lot longer.

I have spent the last few weeks rushing around trying to get organised to make mums Christmas really special this year.  As well as working / cleaning / shopping. I have lost sight of the most important thing - spending actual time with mum. We were supposed to go to a Christmas event on Saturday night and I was really looking forward to spending time with her and taking some nice photos.  But she was too ill to go.  I was disappointed but I didn't let it show.  It feels like everyone else is getting to spend time with her.  Afternoons where it's just going to be us end in the doorbell going and me making endless cups of tea.  I know everyone is just wishing her well but sometimes I wish I could make the house invisible and we could just hide away from everyone just us!

So the moral of the blog is don't get wrapped up in everything Christmas.  Remember to, and make sure to spend proper time together it's not just all about one day on the 25th it's about spending every precious day you have left with your mum, dad, grandparent, son, daughter, brother, sister, friend and making it special. Because no matter if someone is ill or well we will all lose someone special one day and the chance to spend time together won't always be there.  Treasure your loved ones when they are here. Wishing everyone all the best.
