Weezy The Wife

  • Treatment Completement


    It's been a month since my last update, I'm not sure why I never found time over the last month, I just struggled to organise my thoughts enough to put them in to some sort of order.

    Over the last month Ned has been in and out of hospital as an inpatient, really struggling with nausea. The doctors believe this might have been caused by the proximity of the tumour and treatment to his brain stem, but they can't…

  • A good day


    Ned had a good day today, which means I had a good day today :)

    He had a visit from his manager and he brought Ned lots of gifts, which was really touching. He hasn't worked there very long but they still took the time to do that for him. They got him a Star Wars jigsaw that I intend to do together when he gets home, and lots of vouchers.

    This evening my mum and dad visited and brought Ned a happy meal (he had been…

  • Lots Happening


    This is a loooong one.. I won't blame anyone for not reading it all. It was just therapeutic getting it all out.

    I thought once the treatment was underway, we were going to find our way into a routine and things would perhaps settle down a little bit. I'm not sure if we have been unusual or if I was just hopelessly naive,

    After my last post, things went south super fast. Ned woke on Saturday evening about 21:30…

  • Just keep moving forward...


    No drive to the hospital today, which has been a nice break. The drive to the Christie Hospital takes about an hour each way, so getting weekends off from that is very welcome. I am proud to say that I made good use of the extra time too, vacuumed my carpets and caught up on my washing. 

    Ned has felt very nauseous again today, and has had quite a bit of bleeding from his nose. We have no idea if this is normal, it's horrible…

  • A bad few days..


    So it's been a few days since my last post.., but that hasn't meant that lots hasn't happened. Just that I haven't had a moment to stop and reflect.

    On Sunday night Ned got really poorly and started throwing up blood. In a mad panic we raced to our local A&E, where he was taken straight through to be seen. He was still vomiting but there was less blood, and he was tachycardic. They contacted the ENT doctor…