A bad few days..

2 minute read time.

So it's been a few days since my last post.., but that hasn't meant that lots hasn't happened. Just that I haven't had a moment to stop and reflect.

On Sunday night Ned got really poorly and started throwing up blood. In a mad panic we raced to our local A&E, where he was taken straight through to be seen. He was still vomiting but there was less blood, and he was tachycardic. They contacted the ENT doctor from the specialist hospital and he drove over to examine him personally. It turned out that the tumour at the back of his throat had bled badly, filling his nose and sending blood down to his tummy, making him sick. They moved him to the specialist hospital for the night to monitor him, but he quickly improved once they had figured the problem out.

After the panic of the current scare had subsided a little, we started to worry about getting to the Christie Hospital on Monday for Ned's first scheduled Chemo and Radiotherapy. The team of Macmillan nurses and the doctors were brilliant though, and they arranged an ambulance transport to get him sent straight there for his treatment. The Christie got his Chemo and Radio therapy sorted, and kept him in until Wednesday to make sure he was okay.

So now here we are on Thursday.. drama is over right? Well I think I had been running on fumes, perhaps bottling it all up so that I could deal with the situation, without really stopping for a rest myself. In my frazzled state I must have left the car lights on overnight, and this morning.... yep, you guessed it.... the car wouldn't start. 

And just about then... I lost it. I flipped out and had a massive cry, I had got myself so worked up over everything, and random little things all came out too... like a light bulb that has gone, and the dripping tap in the bathroom. Ned was great, he contacted the AA to come sort the car out, and got my mum and dad to come over for some moral support. He even asked his mum and dad to go grab us some shopping so that was one less thing for us to worry about. At weekend my mum and dad are going to come over and help me do lots of little jobs round the house that Ned and I would normally do together.

I kind of feel silly now, and very guilty that with everything Ned is going through I am the one who fell apart. It's been a bad few days... :(

  • FormerMember

    When I discovered this blog site tonight I thought that I would just start a blog to let my feelings out through words but then I read your post and it really moved me. Sometimes it feels like the whole world is literally against you. It's ok to cry and never feel guilty for falling apart - you have to let it all out. Hope things have turned round for both of you over the last couple of weeks.

  • FormerMember

    When I discovered this blog site tonight I thought that I would just start a blog to let my feelings out through words but then I read your post and it really moved me. Sometimes it feels like the whole world is literally against you. It's ok to cry and never feel guilty for falling apart - you have to let it all out. Hope things have turned round for both of you over the last couple of weeks.

  • FormerMember

    Tired so should read hope things turn round for both of you over the next couple of weeks.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you GlassHalfFull, I really appreciate your advice. I know what you are saying, it definitely felt like the whole world was conspiring to crush me. I feel better today, more on top of things. It's nearly weekend too, which means Ned doesn't have any treatment for a couple of days, allowing us some time to breathe!

    I would definitely recommend doing a blog, it has certainly helped me. Just getting all of that written down yesterday made me feel better, more in control, acknowledging how I feel about things. You won't always get comments on your posts, but that's what the forums are for. This is just a great place for when you just need a place to, as you put it,  let it all out!