A good day

1 minute read time.

Ned had a good day today, which means I had a good day today :)

He had a visit from his manager and he brought Ned lots of gifts, which was really touching. He hasn't worked there very long but they still took the time to do that for him. They got him a Star Wars jigsaw that I intend to do together when he gets home, and lots of vouchers.

This evening my mum and dad visited and brought Ned a happy meal (he had been craving McDonalds), which was really nice of them. My mum had also bought me some shopping and made me a lovely tea. 

Tomorrow, a recliner should arrive that we ordered from Amazon. Ned's mum and dad paid for it as his Christmas gift. I think it's really going to help him to be comfortable in the lounge, as he currently struggles on the couch and ends up regularly just going back to bed which I don't think is good for his mental health.

We are also hoping that Ned gets discharged tomorrow so that he can come home to his new chair.. but I'm a bit nervous about that if I'm truthful. As much as I want him home, the last two "attacks" have left me really frightened. What if that horrid bloody vomit returns? What if he chokes? I know he needs to come home, and I really will be happy that he's back, but I just hope that it isn't too soon, that we don't end up regretting it.
