Weezy The Wife

  • Keeping busy


    Ned is home! It took an extra day as the doctors wanted to adjust his pain medication, but he has been home since Tuesday and I feel like things are going okay. He now eats as normally as possible during the day, and has a pump feeding him for 8 hours overnight. We spent most of yesterday at the Christie Hospital in Manchester getting blood tests done, so I packed us both a lunch and snacks and that seemed to work really…

  • Family, friends and work


    Friends and family... they are wonderful. They have really kept us sane these last few days and I wanted to share that. We have had visits and messages. As well as the constant natter of all our friends on WhatsApp, a friend who lives far away sent Ned a hat for when his hair starts to thin. Neds work friends sent him a parcel containing a little model to build and paint (a hobby of his). My brother bought him the latest…

  • It's the little things


    Today has been hard, but the feeding tube is now in! They took Ned down to have the procedure this morning after quite a gruelling, 1 hour, ordeal of trying to get a tube through his nose and down his throat past the tumour. When he got back to the ward he was really upset. The tube was put in under local anaesthetic, and he felt a lot of what happened. It really scared him, and he was very shook up when he came back…

  • Feeding Tube


    Yesterday was our first visit to The Christie Hospital, where Ned will be getting most of his treatment. My Sat-Nav took us a very strange route, so I will not be blindly trusting it when we go again today!

    The doctor spoke to us about everything he had mentioned previously, and about the new nausea symptoms (which were thankfully not present yesterday though they have made a bit of a return today). He also put a camera…

  • Nausea Nightmares


    Poor Ned, he has had such a difficult couple of days.

    Yesterday his head started to hurt. We weren't sure (still aren't) if the issue lies in the recent medication change, or if this is simply a very bad migraine (he has struggled with these his whole life). He spent all day yesterday in bed, and only managed to eat a small portion of ravioli (half a tin).

    Today we had an appointment at the hospital, with the…