A new chapter

  • We are all beautiful


    I am 59 and sporting the slight fuzziness of a new growth of hair, and I am amazed to see, having been amazed at how beautiful other women are when their heads are shaved, that I too am beautiful.

    Having attended the 'Look Good, Feel Better' workshops, I have learnt finally to enjoy playing with makeup and have used my face as a canvas rather than wearing my wig or scarves (although I do resort to hats when out walking…

  • I am grateful


    I am not battling cancer.

    I am grateful.

    I am grateful for the medical team who battle on my behalf.

    I am grateful for the scientific research that has led to the treatments available.

    I am grateful to the people who volunteer and fundraise to help find ways to treat cancer.


    I am not brave.

    I am grateful.

    I am grateful for my friends who support me, who are able to empathise.

    I am grateful for my family and a home that…

  • Putting on a brave face


     Each day, I put on a brave face. There are those who take no notice of it, who take me as I am and with whom I feel comfortable, but there are others who find it hard to cope with the cancer and with whom I cannot share the confusion and pain underneath. For those friends, I must wear my brave face, and this is a poem I wrote for them:

    I buy my brave faces online.

    The standard design, inexpensive, disposable, sold in…

  • Staying positive


    As an ex-infant teacher, I know that if you focus on misbehaviour, the other children tend to join in because that is what gets your attention. When we were all sitting as a group, I had 3 stages for dealing with misbehaviour: 1) Compliment the children behaving well. That had the effect of pulling all the other children into line and often stopped the misbehaviour, 2) If needed, a support staff member would sit by the…

  • Hello Scalp.


    My hair has been slowly drifting out during my 5 sessions of chemo (last one tomorrow, hopefully). Rather than having it shaved, i had it cut very short after the first round and have been watching it become thinner until now i need to stand with the light above or in front of me as if it is behind me, I look as if I have a halo around a bald head. While some continues to fall, some has started growing, so I have a tufty…