I am grateful

Less than one minute read time.

I am not battling cancer.

I am grateful.

I am grateful for the medical team who battle on my behalf.

I am grateful for the scientific research that has led to the treatments available.

I am grateful to the people who volunteer and fundraise to help find ways to treat cancer.


I am not brave.

I am grateful.

I am grateful for my friends who support me, who are able to empathise.

I am grateful for my family and a home that is safe and warm.

I am grateful for the volunteers who support me through the local cancer charities.


I am not a victim of cancer.

I am grateful.

I am grateful for the life that I have.

I am grateful for the beauty of everyday.

I am grateful for laughter and joy.


I am not battling cancer.

I am not brave.

I am not a victim.

I am grateful.

I am incredibly blessed.

  • FormerMember

    I have just found you, reading first your latest blog and then all of your posts.  I can see me throughout your posts - the worst thing too for me was telling people, in fact it was the one thing that made me cry when I was diagnosed. How could this 'all seeing, all doing go to person' possibly be ill??? I was so strong; as I told my beloved children and watched them cry big fat bulbous tears and then my colleagues at work, who wouldn't leave my office until I almost physically shoo'd them out.

    As I finished off the last bits at school, my beloved school where I practically run everything, I cried as I stood in the junior hall and surveyed this beautiful place where I have invested all of my time and energy for the last four and a half years. Finally I have my dream job, a vocation at last recognised and a mutually beneficial relationship where I give my all and in return, little lives change. The next morning, Tuesday 14th March, this medical episode commenced for real.

    One week and one day on I wait patiently for the results. Was the whole lump successfully removed with a clear margin? Are my sentinel nodes clear? What next on this unknown journey?

    But today I have found you - and so today, I feel better already. Reading words that I too feel is therapeutic and I can't thank you enough.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Marie. I'm so glad my blog entries helped. All of our experiences and ways of coping are very different, but I have found huge support in sharing with others, learning from and being there for each other. I hope that, for you, the journey is a positive one and you can get back to the work that you obviously love so much. As an ex-primary teacher and advisory teacher, I love hearing of people who care so deeply about working with young children. They are so rewarding!