Hello Scalp.

1 minute read time.

My hair has been slowly drifting out during my 5 sessions of chemo (last one tomorrow, hopefully). Rather than having it shaved, i had it cut very short after the first round and have been watching it become thinner until now i need to stand with the light above or in front of me as if it is behind me, I look as if I have a halo around a bald head. While some continues to fall, some has started growing, so I have a tufty patch on the top of my head which stands up on end and began to keel over, resembling a patch of question marks. Not a good look, so I trimmed it and now sport a series of exclamation marks. 

I know the hair may still all go. I am grateful that I have been able to hold on to some for so long and find the constantly changing style quite interesting. I am grateful too to the hairdresser who, while she styled my wig and warned my that my hair would definitely go by October, suggested a short cut rather than a shave. There are some positives to the whole experience:

  • Saving money on shampoo. It takes very little to pat on my short cut.
  • Saving money on haircuts.
  • Quick to dry. Just a pat with a towel and I'm good to go.
  • The compliments on my new 'funky' style (as described by friends). The surprise that they genuinely mean it.
  • Falling hair good for the flower beds.
  • Not needing to use a hairbrush or style it in any way.
  • Seeing the shape of my scalp, which I never would have seen otherwise.
  • Not having to shave legs, pluck chin or shave armpits.

Cancer is a bummer and chemo is fairly brutal, but it's happening and I'm seeing the chemo as a positive in fighting the cancer despite all the side effects. 

I'm looking forward to having hair again, to seeing what it looks like, but for now, this is how it is.
