A new chapter

  • Support from family and friends


    This is a hard path to walk alone, and I am grateful for all the friends and family who are there for me. I know it is not easy for them, but some just know what to say and do, often those who have been in need of support themselves at some time. Compassion isn't complicated. It's not trying to fix things, or to distract me from my cancer, but simply being there, listening, walking alongside for a while.

    I have…

  • Hair envy


    I am sporting the shortest haircut of my life. My hair continues to drift out, but today a friend complimented me on my new style and it turned out she genuinely liked it and was not simply being encouraging. The plus side is that, as an older woman, I usually have to spend some time checking my chin and upper lip for hairs, but those seem to have gone first. It's the little things that make a difference! I have my scarves…

  • Hair loss


    Last week, I lost my first hair. I brushed my head wit my hand and, not a clump, but half a dozen hairs lay caught between my fingers. I knew it was coming, so was interested rather than shocked (also slightly relieved that if it is coming out, I'd rather it start before I attempt the cold cap again!). I gently finger combed my scalp to find more coming out around the edges of my hair. I had visions of my hair receding…

  • Breast envy


    Sitting in a cafe in the high street, watching the world go by, I suddenly realised how many women have 2 breasts! In this new, single breasted normality, I found myself strangely surprised, and also aware that it was not appropriate to look at other women's breasts. Moving my gaze to my coffee cup, I reflected on my own new shape. At 58 and married for 31 years to a supportive husband, I do not feel that who I am, or…

  • Life changes


    I had already started to make some life changes when I received my cancer diagnosis, but it did focus the mind somewhat. I determined that regardless of how long I have (and let's be honest - none of us can possible know what's around the corner), I will live it with purpose. During the 2 weeks following the diagnosis, I thought about what mattered to me and made a notice which I have in my workroom as a reminder:…