Does this roller coaster ever stop?????

  • Honestly I am not a basket case!


    oh the tiredness is such a pain its too early to go to bed so I thought I'd log on here to see how all you   lovely people are getting on

    I found another lump a couple of weeks ago which the doctor doesn't seem too concerned about......which is easier for her to say!  I phoned my breast care nurse to let her know what was happening and thought I handled it ok with no meltdown until I got a phone call from the MacMilan…

  • Emotional rollercoaster


    Hi everyone things have really been up and down for me lately.  Heading to doctors on Monday as I've found a lump in my lower stomach but fingers crossed that it is nothing.

    Will the time ever come when I stop thinking that every pain and every lump is the cancer spreading. The mind is an amazing thing but it is also a major pain in the ass. Even though things happen and you know it's fine the other part of the mind…

  • Mr Mind at his work again


    I had my 3 monthly review this morning which I have been terrified about all week.  I was asked to complete a questionnaire on my feelings a week before I attended the review.

    So last Monday I decided that tiredness was my main concern and anxiety was not present.  How things can change in such a short time, by last night (Sunday) my anxiety was through the roof and tiredness was not present. 

    What changed ......... nothing…

  • Emotional roller coaster - the anger episodes


    Morning everyone just though I'd share a bit more of my journey so far. 

    Not only do you have to deal with your feelings regarding your cancer but you have to deal with everyone else's feelings about your cancer.  I was conscious when entering a room that the atmosphere went from high to low in 1 second. All heads would tilt and the pity would be seen from their eyes. Some people would come up and ask you how you…

  • Radiotherapy Roller coaster


    Hi again hope I am not boring you with my journey but I have actually found this very therapeutic which I am shocked about because I use to hate writing but anyway on to the next phase the radiation blaster - as I called it but my mum kept saying radium no matter how many times you corrected her. It became the running joke with text messages between friends over my 3 weeks how is the radium going!

    Along with my planning…