Does this roller coaster ever stop?????

  • Recovering from the surgery roller coaster


    After my surgery I was really lucky regard pain.  Although I did ask the anesthetist to give me enough to knock me out until everything was over!

    I was told to take 2 weeks off work to recover from the surgery, although because I was feeling fine it was driving me nuts stuck in the house since the lovely 2" cut under my arm would not let me drive (this was the only pain at this point and I also think my boob fell out…

  • The start of the roller coaster - Diagnoses and surgery


    How many of us have said these words.  i have decided I hate roller coasters!

    The roller coaster started when I was brought in to the cold bland very small room to be told that I had breast cancer.  The roller coaster did not start right away it was as if it was nearly empty of fuel so it kept jolting me forward in small movements.  

    It was not until I had to go for an MRI that the coaster started to move up the hill while…